Monday, July 14, 2008

FO Monday!

We had a new arrival in the family (Matt's cousin's new little boy, Ethan Ryan) late Friday night/early Saturday morning, which prompted a quick weekend knit... the Umbilical Cord Hat from Stitch 'n Bitch. I had Rowan's All Season Cotton in hand - in both pink and blue, waiting on the official call ... and blue it was!



A very quick knit... I cast on Saturday before heading off to an arena football game and finished it at Matt's racing yesterday.... off it went in today's mail with the cutest little doggy (are you surprised?) outfit!

I even got to use my newest project bag from GypsyKnits. Kathy's bags are the best small/medium project bags around - complete with wrist strap and metal carabiner clip (take note of the dog bone one on this bag!), perfect for knitting on the go. When she inquired about some of my stitch markers, we set up a trade and then she showed me this new doggy fabric she got in... how cute is this??


Now, since I still have a skein of Rowan in pink, I'm going to whip up another umbilical cord hat for a friend who's expecting a baby girl this fall...

Enjoy the rest of your Monday... I'll leave you with a few recent wildlife shots.

Chucky (or maybe its Woody?) hanging out in the storage room...

A pretty butterfly...

Some of the 101 duckies who came to see if we had any bread in our pockets visit us while we were walking around Essex...



Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a delightful weekend. My was just about as relaxing and less productive :) g

Dianne said...

What a cute hat - love the name of it, too!

SissySees said...

Cute hat. Glad you had a nice weekend!

Kathy R said...

Hi. At lunch I went to Whole Foods and one of the things I bought was Bark magazine. There on page 25 are Teutel and Lola. They are famous!

Kare said...

Adorable hat, Nichole. Great pics, too.

Turtle said...

the umbilical cord hat is adorable. Ahhh, woody! his cousin is living at my mom's.

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