Saturday, December 06, 2008

Look Who's 2!

Happy Birthday to the Princess!


Sophie is 2 years old today! Its been a wonderful year with lots of learning experiences and the little girl has really come a long, long way. She's still quite shy with strangers, but she's certainly come in to her own and out of her shell...

SophieLola_31108_CUTE Sophie_41308c

Sophie_snugglyB Sophie_cute70708
TutSophie_51808 Sophie_11408snowB

SophieTutLolaZeus_108 Sophie_bobos_11107b

Happy Birthday Baby Girl... we're so glad you decided to stay with us!



Sue said...

Happy Birthday to Sophie.

I especially love that last picture of her sleeping with her face all scrunched up. Aren't they sweet when they sleep?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl. :) Hope you get a steak! g

Turtle said...

ahhh, love the sleeping pic!~

SissySees said...

Happy birthday, Sophie! You picked a great place to stay. I know you're well-loved by your whole household, two and four-leggeds alike.

Anita said...

Awwww... Happy Birthday to Sophie! Those are adorable photos of her!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sophie!

A Blog In The Rough said...

awwwww happy birthday cutie pie! Hope all your doggie wishes come true and may you live many more wonderful years with all those happy pups with you :)

Bubblesknits said...

Happy Birthday to the Princess! Precious pictures. :-)

Kathy R said...

She's got such a sweet face.

Natalie Rush said...

Happy Birthday Sophie!! You look so happy and healthy!! Hope you have another great year!!

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday to sweet little Sophie! Lots of birthday hugs and kisses from Emma, Tara and Cooper. I love that last picture of her - so content - so very sweet!

Joan said...

Happy Birthday, Your Highness Sophie! The Terrible Twos look so sweet and peaceful. Good job, mama! For giggles, check out Murphy's new coat on my blog. ;-p

dogquilter said...

Happy Birthday Princess Sophie!! Wilbur & Charlotte send slobbery kisses your way. That last picture is too sweet and looks like the perfect way end your special day!! :)

The Princess said...

Such a sweetie!! She fits right into your family.. happy belated birthday baby dog :)

Paula said...

Happy Birthday Sophie!!!
I just love her facial expressions!

Criquette said...

Look at that sweet, happy face - you couldn't possibly have let her go live anywhere else but with your pack! Hugs to Sophie and her sibs!

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