It has been quite warm here the past two days, causing for major amounts of mud everywhere... including our yard. Princess Sophie seems to dislike this very, very much.. doing everything she can to NOT walk on the muddy ground. Last night she performed a balance beam act by finding a spot of still melting ice to walk along. This morning was a little different... she simply decided to relieve herself smack dab in the middle of the driveway. So there may not be any Singing in the Rain going on at our house, but there sure it some Peeing in the Driveway! Gotta love my stubborn little girl!
I didn't have the chance to snap any muddy pics, so here's a few from last week when Sophie decided it was fun to do her other business atop a snow/ice pile. I thought it was a cute pic in its edited mode, however her Daddy thought the original was quite funny in a "I guard my poop from you" kinda way... you decided.
If you promise not to tell her brothers and sister that Mama didn't have any new pics of them for today, I'll make this post all about the princess...
Slinking around in the icey driveway...
Hanging with her buddies, Mr. Bunny & Flat Fox...
I love when they snuggle up with their babies!:) Have a Happy DOT, great posts too!:)
Funny little girl!!
Monty hated to get his feet wet and would balance on the tiniest dry area. Water dogs don't care. The more water the better.
aaaaawwwww cute..... happy dot.
Wilbur has the same wet feet thing too unless of course it's mud then it's totally different. Love the snuggly pics too. Don't you just love the furkids!?!?
Awww...Charli has been doing her business on the driveway too. Your Shopie is so cute. I love the picture of her all snuggled up on her blanket. Happy DOT!
Last weekend, we had mud puddles everywhere. Diamond was jumping over them!
Love the pics, and we won't tell!
Adorable pics! Zoe doesn't like to walk in the mud or snow either, and there has been a lot of driveway peeing going on at my house too. I love the poop guarding
Happy DoT!
She is such a cutie! Love the picture of her guarding her poop.
I wish Thor would be a little more picky about his feet. He was lying in the mud this morning, then came in to lay on the new hard wood floor. Lucky you, having a picky one!
My mom and our neighbors had to shovel places in their yards so that their dogs would go out in the yard to do their business. They are such funny creatures.
I like the guarding the poop too. LOL
lol at the title!
I'm tellin! She's very pretty.
for what it's worth, I like the edited photo. g
I think the "guarding poop" photo is pretty cute.
The poop picture is kind of funny. :)
She seemed pretty comfy once she was back inside :)
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