Thursday, November 12, 2009

Noses off the Prize!

Happy Doggy Day... its been one heck of a long week, so I'm extra glad to say its almost Friday!

As you know, Zeus won the Cloud Star Halloween photo contest over on Facebook. His winnings showed up on our doorstep on Monday...


Isn't he such a handsome little devil (no pun intended... lol)? While he was posing so nicely for me, this happened... I just love the look he's giving to Lola and Tut!


I'm not sure if the look is more to say "get your noses off my prize" or "hey stupids... you're interrupting my photo shoot!"

Zeus managed to be first in line (with a little help from Mommy) when we opened the box...


But it quickly drew lots of attention. He received 1 box of each flavor of Muttos and a sweatshirt for Mommy...

Zeus_CloudStar_110909b ZeusLolaTut_CloudStar_110909b

So what do you think... Zeus the spokesdoggy?


So long as he doesn't eat the props, right?

Zeus_CloudStar_110909f Zeus_CloudStar_110909c


Bubblesknits said...

Congrats to Zeus!!!

Dianne said...

He is a very handsome spokesdoggy!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Very cool. Glad he won & mama will be warm. haha.

Marjie said...

Looks like a proper spokesdoggy to me. I'm sure he deserved the prize. There could have been no handsomer entrant!

Sue said...

Congratulations Zeus. hat a great prize. Will you be sharing with those pesky siblings?

Sonya said...

Look at all those treats!!~ Zeus make sure to share with your siblings.

i said...

Congrats Zeus! What a nice package you've received!

SissySees said...

Thank goodness my laptop thinks I should be able to see that beautiful boy! He's quite the dapper spokesdoggy.

Anonymous said...

Aww Zeus is a perfect spokes model. As long as he eventually gets to eat the props ;)
returning to blogland... did you still want some comments? I can send them if you do.

silfert said...

Stupid Google error. Anyway, if it didn't go through, congratulations. :)

Anita said...

LOL, Zeus posed so nicely for the photo shoot. :)
He deserves those treats!

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