Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My Baby Boy is 11!

My baby boy is 11 years old today!  It seems like just yesterday I was writing his 10th birthday post.  We will be celebrating with cake and cookies tonight, but now it's time for our annual photo recap...


My handsome baby boy...
SimplyFido_311_outtakes14 Zeus_41011

Working Dog!  He loves his job as chief reviewer at Lapdog Creations...

WagTailTreats_311k ChewnTug_Zeus

He also has a part time gig as chief crew dog at Hooligan Motorsports...

LegendsCar_Zeus_32711e Zeus_Legends_32011d

One of his favorite things to do...

He's such a good big brother...

4dogs_Play_33011 4Dogs_101611b

TutZeus_41011e ZeusLola_bath_53011

And a good big foster brother too...

ZeusBentley_8311d KellyZeus_111911b
Nic_Skipper_Zeus_91811b Zeus_Maverick_22512

Always my goof ball...
Zeus_51111d Zeus_turtle_52011b

He really knows how to ham it up for the camera...

Zeus_bunny_411c Zeus_6811b

Can you believe my big guy was once a teeny boy?

babyZeus Zeus_baby

Zeus_babyporch Zeus_racing

Stop and Smell the Roses


SissySees said...

Happy birthday, Zeus!! We hope you have a great celebration.

Kathy R said...

Happy birthday, Zeus!

Marjie said...

Oh, such cute baby pictures! But my favorites are the ones with his ears perked up, where you can tell he's just thinking about what's going on.

Happy Birthday, Zeus!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Happy birthday to your baby.

gtyyup said...

Have a wonderful day Zeus!!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Happy Barkday Zeus!!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Robin said...

Happy Birthday Zeus!!!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Shiloh here-
HAPPEEEEEEEEE BARKDAY ZEUS! You wuz a real cutie-patootie when u wuz younger an'now u iza most handsum doggy. We all loved lookin'at your pikchurz. My barkday iz also this month - a while later.

Sue said...

Have the most wonderful birthday, Zeus! We'll ask Mom for an extra cookie so we can celebrate with you.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

gMarie said...

Happy Birthday Handsome! May you have many more. g

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