Friday, March 29, 2013

TGIF - Welcome Spring Weekend!

TGIF - although I wish I had today off like so many others around the country do.  A long weekend would have been very welcomed at our house.  We've had several late nights in a row, no thanks to a broken down car, extra long work days and a vet trip. 

Happy dog at the vet! #dogstagram #dobermanmix #love
It's so good to see this smile again!

Lola Update: Our vet visit went far better than I was nervously fretting over for two days had thought!  My baby girl has gained another full 2 pounds... in just over 2 weeks!  woot!  Dr. C aspirated the 2 lumps and was unable to find them to be of the same characteristics as the sterile granuloma/pyogranuloma lumps - even after doing a third needle aspiration, just to be sure she got a good sample.  She is fairly certain what we're seeing are those benign fatty lumps which we are so accustomed to with Zeus (and Lola did have some before the autoimmune diagnosis).  Treatment plan is to keep her on the 10mg of prednisone, twice a day for another 30-45 days, and to keep an eye on the existing 2 lumps.  If any other lumps appear, we'll go in and have them aspirated.  If not, we'll go back to visit in 4 weeks. 

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Lola did her best to scam about half a dozen treats during her visit last night.  Between giving Dr. C her "I'm starving!" look and then playing up to one of the techs, she made out quite well. Althought she was quite pleased with herself for scoring so many yums and endless attention, she was even more pleased with being the first dog to get to go for a R-I-D-E in Daddy's new (used) truck!

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shhh, Don't tell the boys about the truck ride!  They've been distracted with the warmer weather we've had the past couple of days.  Warmer temps = bird watching and driveway lounging.

My boys! #dogstagram #spring #coonhoundmix #mutt #labmix #love #adoptdontshop #rescue Untitled

It also equals selective hearing.  When I tell them it's time to go inside, Tut looks away and pretends he can't hear me, while Zeus gives me the "no comprende, my name is Hey-Zeus" look.

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While all this is going on, Sophie is just glad she wasn't forced to go for an R-I-D-E or the to V-E-T.  Princess prefers the comfort of her own home.


Although if she doesn't stop with her itching and allergy issues in the next couple of days, guess who she'll be going to visit next week?  sshhh...

Enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a wonderful Spring/Easter weekend!


Unknown said...

Fatty lumps is great news. Our Pip is covered in them. Oh the trip to the torture man means lots of treats here too.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

tubby3pug said...

We are so relieved that your vet visit went ok. Senior visits and lumps always give us the willies too

urban hounds

Sue said...

Good news Lola. We're very glad you're gaining weight. Keep it up and don't worry about those fatty growths, we all get them as we get a bit older.

Happy Easter to all of you and we hope the Easter Mutt is very generous.

Life with Wrigs said...

So glad to hear that Lola's lumps are most likely lipomas. Wrigs has quite a few of those too. Hope all continues to go well!

Susan and Wrigs

jen said...

Getting caught up on blog reading and I had to check and see how Lola was doing! Glad to hear the good news!
Maybe you and I will be able to take a deep breath soon between all our troubles!

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