Teutul has just completed his 30-day FortiFlora challenge and his Mama is happy to report that it was a huge success!
To refresh your memory, our friends at Chewy asked us to participate in a 30-day challenge, using FortiFlora daily. We got started at the beginning of October, and checked in with you a couple of weeks ago.
As we had mentioned, the challenge actually came about at the same time as Tut's pancreatitis diagnosis. Ironic, but timely...
I have been putting one packet of FortiFlora in Tut's dinner each night for just over 30 days now and am happy to report that it is indeed helping to keep his tummy in check. He seems to love it, and Mama loves how easy it is to use.
Not only does FortiFlora help to promote intestinal health and balance, it helps to reduce flatulence and is a fantastic supplement for dietary management of dogs with diarrhea. Can you say winning?!
Tut actually had a visit with Dr. C last week and we discussed continuing with daily doses of FortiFlora. I was considering dropping down to every-other-day, but she recommended that we continue with the daily dose. The active live cultures found in probiotics have proven to be beneficial to dogs for so long that with Tut's issues, it quite frankly seems to be common sense to stick with it. And we will...
Dr. C and I discussed the fact that probiotics are truly beneficial for all of us - canine and human - which led me to ask if we should consider switching Tut to a human version (to possibly save some money), but she said no. Dr. C informed me that while our pets do well with some human meds (Pepcid and Benadryl are staples in our house for the 4-legged kids), when it comes to probiotics, canine formulas are the best option for our furbabies, and FortiFlora is one of her favorites. She uses it for her own dogs.
Fortunately, we can get our monthly boxes of FortiFlora for a very reasonable price at Chewy - and so can you! I've found that's it's almost half the price of what our vet's office charges (she even suggested we look online for a better price - she's good like that). Grab a box for your dog or cat today. Remember, 1-2 day shipping is always free on orders of $49+, so you might as well grab some toys and treats while you're at it!
Oh, Nic, I'm so happy that you found something to help Tut. And at half the price of the vet? Perfect!
Probiotics are the best. Cocoa has tummy issues so I am always looking for ways to control them!!
That is really great that you found something that works.
I have used this product in the past with one of our dogs. Worked great!
PepiSmartDog: great post. Love reading your product reviews; you always do such a great job with them - and great piccies too!
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Hope to see you again this week. *waves paw* :=o)
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