Our mom sez Mother Nature iz confuzed - fergotz 2-day wuz the first day of fall. She sed it wuz at leest 87 degreez with a 95 degree heat index - we just know it'z HOT! Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie
What a sweet photo. That's a great way to view Fall, as the year's loveliest smile, I love that. I so wish Autumn would smile on us already! It's in the high 80's today and we're pining for Fall weather. I can't wait to go out & get pumpkins, bake Halloween cookies & apricot walnut tarts, and pick out our Halloween costumes! Love & Biscuits, Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
They say it's fall but we're experiencing summer like temperatures! No complaints from me though :) It still looks pretty with the leaves starting to change colours.
Fall is my favorite season of the year! I was so excited when September 1 was in the 70s. Now we are topping 100 still. Come back, autumn weather, come back please!
I really love this time of year. Love to decorate my home with the fall colors and bake all of the delicious fall desserts. I hope it cools down here soon. Love the picture with your lovable dog.
First day of Fall and we're expecting 95 degrees today. Oh well we're supposed to have fall weather next week. Let's hope.
Our mom sez Mother Nature iz confuzed - fergotz 2-day wuz the first day of fall. She sed it wuz at leest 87 degreez with a 95 degree heat index - we just know it'z HOT!
Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie
What a sweet photo. That's a great way to view Fall, as the year's loveliest smile, I love that. I so wish Autumn would smile on us already! It's in the high 80's today and we're pining for Fall weather. I can't wait to go out & get pumpkins, bake Halloween cookies & apricot walnut tarts, and pick out our Halloween costumes!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
I wish the weather was more indicitive of fall! Its sooooo hot in Texas but I look forward to seeing some cooler weather soon!
They say it's fall but we're experiencing summer like temperatures! No complaints from me though :) It still looks pretty with the leaves starting to change colours.
Fall is my favorite season of the year! I was so excited when September 1 was in the 70s. Now we are topping 100 still. Come back, autumn weather, come back please!
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year! The temps are moderate, the colors are gorgeous and the baking season begins!
I just love fall. It's by far the best season of the year... football, cool weather, pumpkins, oktoberfest!
Fall is my favorite season of the year. I can't wait for cooler fall weather. It has been crazy hot where I lived 32C.
I really love this time of year. Love to decorate my home with the fall colors and bake all of the delicious fall desserts. I hope it cools down here soon. Love the picture with your lovable dog.
We went from the 90s yesterday to 60s today... Bit of a shock to the system! Hello, Fall!
Happy Fall! This is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love boots, the beautiful color in the trees, the crispness in the air!
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