Friday, September 01, 2017

Welcome, September #Calendar #DesktopCalendar #DogMomLife

Hello September... we've been waiting for you!

In fact, I'm so excited for fall to arrive that I wanted to create a free desktop / downloadable calendar to share with you this month... and it took me forever to decide what photos to use. (Raise your hand if you're addicted to fall)

free printable downloadable desktop september 2017 calendar

You may have noticed we have not published calendars for a couple of months, as I'm still not sure how many of you find them useful. Do you download them to your desktop? Print them out (I like to print one and stick it in the front of my planner)? Is there something we can do to make them more useful to you?

I did receive a request for other sizes / formats, so wanted to include a vertical image as well this month. 

free printable downloadable vertical desktop september 2017 calendar

We hope you enjoy this month's calendar and look forward to your feedback.

As always, you can use our calendars on your desktop or print them for your planner, bulletin board, fridge, etc. I print one and place it in the front of my Plum Planner.
*If printing, be sure to set your printer options to "shrink to fit" (I also change the sizing to 5" x 7")*


Sue said...

It's been feeling like Fall around here. The nights are cool and the days aren't bad. We're waiting for the remains of Harvey to drop some rain this weekend, but we're sure ready for Fall.

Unknown said...

Yay! Love the calendars! I like to print it out and put it on my wall at work for when I need a quick view.
Great picture selection this month.

Marjie said...

The vertical calendar is really pretty! I always have paper calendars around, and I can't really function without one. It has been so cold here this week; I"m not sure it has reached 60 since last Thursday! I've spent the week blue about my baby going off to college, so to me fall is already here. Have a great Labor Day weekend, Nic!

Ruby said...

Oh, that is really cool! Ma loves fall too...she WISHES it would come was 108 today and will be again tomorrow. Sunday it will be a cool 100! She is SO ready for some fall weather.....sigh
Ruby ♥

Neely said...

I love that one so pretty! Love the dogs and the flowers! So fun to have a reminder of all month!

Jenny @cookeatgo said...

What a pretty calendar!! I am in denial that it is September already this year has just flown by.

Scott said...

Too cute! We used to buy dog-related calendars every year - this is much more handy!

Liz Mays said...

Wow, great job on this! The pictures you used are so nice! I like the sunflowers!

Parenting Patch said...

What a cute calendar for an animal lover! My September wall calendar has fall photos of my kids on it.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for fall. It's my favorite time of the year. This calender is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute calendar! I can't believe how fast September is passing us by!

Unknown said...

this is a cute calendar. everytime I see your posts it makes me want a dog even more

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

This is such a cute calendar and has some adorable pooches on it. I am a huge dog lover and think this would look great in my house.

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