Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Year Already?

I can't believe its been a year since we picked up the little girl princess! Of course, originally it was meant to be temporary... a foster. Then she stole our hearts and she decided to stay... and we're glad she did....... Sophie is truly a special little lady!

A very shy girl checking out her new siblings, Tut & Lola...


She quickly became a true Boston girl!
Sophie_patsfan SoxCookies_SophieB

She's since learned to do tricks for treats!
Look at those curious big eyes!

Her flaw uniqueness ... that cute overbite!
SophieBall Sophie_closeupC

She's looking forward to romping in the white stuff again this winter...
Sophie_11408snowC SuperSophie_snow122007b

We love you Sophie... and are so happy you chose us!

SleepySophie All4_51808b


SissySees said...

Wow! Time flies. I'm so glad Sophie found you!

Dianne said...

Such a wonderful post! She is one lucky girl to have found such a great forever mommy! I love that picture of her sleeping with her nose smooshed into the blanket. So cute!

Sue said...

Happy anniversary, Sophie.
Give that special girl a hug from me and while you're at it give each of the others a special hug, too.

silfert said...

Gotta love those mutual adoptions!

gypsyknits said...

aaawwww.........I love the sleeping photo of Sophie. Darling.
Happy Adopt-a-Day!

Anonymous said...

AW! She's so cute! I'm glad she stayed too :-)

Anonymous said...

Aww soo cute! Happy year Sophie! Every house needs a princess ;)

Natalie Rush said...

Awe!!! Time sure does just fly by!! She's so darn cute!!

Criquette said...

Sophie is such a cutie - I love looking at that sweet little face of hers. Hugs to all!

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