Thursday, January 22, 2009

Doggy Day!

Wow... is it really Doggy Day already (be sure to hop over to DOT and check out Chan's first official post!)? TG-tomorrow-IF!

Peanut Butter Recall Alert (which for this pb-loving girl is starting to irk her nerves)! Pet Smart has recalled their Grreat Choice Dog Biscuit. We've never purchased these, however Nutri-Vet's Hip & Joint Peanut Butter Flavored Wafers are often found in our house (2 bags right now), so I looked them up and found they are safe.

So what has your pack been up to lately? My girls have been playfully wrestling with Mr. Sheepy (yes, I realize Sophie's head is half missing from that first pic, but I just love the action shot anyway)...

SophieLola_wrestle_11109 SophieLola_wrestle_11109b

Tut and Lola waiting patiently at the top of the stairs for their siblings to come in from romping in the snow...

TutLola11809 Lola_11809

Sometimes the Queen isn't so patient and King Tut gives his Royal look...

Lola_11809b Tut11809

The Princess and the Big Guy... just hanging out, doing their thing...

Sophie11809 Zeus_11809b

I'm glad you guys have been enjoying seeing my kids romping in the snow... we've got some more cute shots, but I'll save them for later and leave you with this close up shot of Mr. Handsome...



Sue said...

Looks like they're all enjoying themselves. Love that last shot of Zeus. How old is he now?

Dianne said...

Zeus looks so handsome in his close-up. Move over George Clooney - here comes Zeus!

SissySees said...

Love 'em all, especially the last photo, of course...

Natalie Rush said...

They all look so great!! Love your pack!!

gypsyknits said...

Love it! Your pack takes such great pictures and I have Mr. "I am a ham" Bettis who jumps up and down the minute I grab the camera.

i said...

Your dogs are adorable! And so photogenic!

Anonymous said...

Such cute pics!

Criquette said...

i always love seeing your gorgeous gang. Stay warm!

dogquilter said...

What terrific pics of the family! Dontcha just love those faces :)

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