Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, Monday

Its just another manic one... and cold too! These unseasonably artic cold temps are really weighing on me... almost as much as the mounds and mounds of snow that just is not melting. Oh yeah, and we're expecting a "decent snow fall" on Wednesday. Oh joys!

Even though I'm officially on a yarn diet, I did a little stash enhancement on Saturday (after all, it is rude to visit a yarn shop and not buy anything, right?). We were heading up to Cape Ann for lunch with my parents and Matt's Dad & Sue when a light switch went off and I thought why not make a pit stop at a couple of the area shops that are on the way?

First Stop:
Seed Stitch Fine Yarns right in the heart of downtown Salem, MA with historic cobblestone streets and witches abound...


My best description of the shop is very boutiquey (think New York City exclusive clothing boutique) and wouldn't you know it, their own website proclaims "A Boutique for the discriminating knitter & crocheter" - this is one where the description does fit. The store was bright, spacious and upscale, carrying mostly high end yarns. Matt & Dad C seemed to like the couches, while I admired the yarn filled coffee table (shadow box style coffee table with bright yarns under the glass). The staff was very friendly and helpful, however the some of the cliental certainly lived up to the "higher end" atmosphere (think too much stinky perfume and a turned up nose). They had a nice selection of notions and buttons, some beautiful hand dyed yarns from across the globe and quite a bit of sale items (this may've been part of the Winter Sale noted on their website and may not be a permanent section). I wound up with just 3 hanks of yarn and a package of blocking pins.

Cascade Yarns Baby Alpaca Chunky
Prints in this gorgeous green colorway...

2 Hanks of Blue Sky Alpacas Bulky
in Claret, a vibrant red/maroon...


Second Stop: Yarns in The Farms in Beverly Farms, MA...

YarnsInTheFarms_Beverly2 YarnsInTheFarms_Beverly

A lovely little shop, just don't blink or you'll miss it and drive right by (ask me how I know)! This truly has got to be the smallest shop I've ever visited, however they have used every single inch of space imagineable to stuff with yarn, notions, books, samples and more! It was a bit overwhelming when you first walk in, but eventually you start to sort out what is where. I felt as though I was climbing over other people, as with the 4 of us (Matt & Dad C found yet another couch, even if they did have to push some sample knits out of the way), 2 customers knitting and 2 employees it was a bit crowded. However with the friendly, helpful staff, they made you feel like you were at home and within a few minutes I was kneeling down on the floor pulling out skeins of Sheep Shop One and piling them all around me! I did really good, leaving the super soft Lobster Pot cashmere behind and only purchased 2 hanks of Sheep Shop and some lovely handmade buttons...

2 hanks of Sheep Shop One, one in the most
beauteous red/orange colorway and one
in a denim blue colorway...


Buttons made from beach glass (which I was told
are made by a gal from my hometown)...

I always enjoy visiting new shops and am glad we stopped at these two. Matt & Dad C's couch review? They both agreed that the couches at Webs are still unmatched for comfort!


Sonya said...

Very pretty yarns. I love the buttons!

Anonymous said...

You did good with the shopping. Me thinks you showed remarkable restraint. Is there enough yardage too make anything? The Princess' knitting group is doing a field trip to Webs. She's very excited. g

SissySees said...

LOVE the buttons. And wow, that shop IS tiny!

Kathy R said...

I love visiting yarn stores on my travels! You have some patient men in your life, willing to sit on the couches while you shop. Nice yarns you got.

Dianne said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! If those couches at Webs are so very comfy, I think you are obligated to go there on a regular basis, just so Matt can visit them. And while you're there, you might as well look around a little.... :)

gypsyknits said...

Nice stash enhancement:)

I will live through you and your family sitting on Web's couches. Maybe someday I will get there. Only I won't be sittin', I'll be knittin'. lol

Criquette said...

Wow, what great choices. And you're right, it's just rude to visit a yarn shop and not buy something!

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