Sunday, January 18, 2009

More of That Swear Word...

Yes, we got more SNOW... that *%_#(&*%$# swear word of the winter -- and we're not even halfway through it yet! For those of you still whining about not having any snow, here are some *$*&%^&#* winter wonderland pics for you from today... (you can even click to enlarge for your enjoyment...)

Snow 11809

Since the temps have risen drastically... you know, from -12 to a whopping 29 or so ... the kids had a little fun romping this morning in the fluffy white stuff...

Lola_snow11808 Sophie_snow11809b

Tut_snow11809_run Zeus_snow11809b

Zeus_snow11809c Tut_snow11809

Don't you just love Sophie's ears?



Sonya said...

At least they are enjoying the snow. Those ears are adorable.

dogquilter said...

Well it looks like the pups like the snow even if you have had enough of it :)

Anita said...

All of us "no snow southerners" must be getting on your nerves by now! LOL If it makes you feel any better, the high here on Fri was 29!
The doggies look cute running around in all the pretty snow though! :)

Turtle said...

if it hadn't been for the holiday tomorrow i am sure my mom would have called me today cursing the snow...butno mail delivery tomorrow so she can relax! enjoy though!! knitting weather again!

SissySees said...

And yet, I can't have five measley inches for my girls, just once. What's wrong with the world?! (Or jet streams, or...??)

Natalie Rush said...

Looks like fun!!! I'm glad I don't have to drive in it or live in that bad word but it does look pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nic, I was a young mom living in Montana so while I understand the beauty - I can also feel your pain. I always loved snow early in the Winter but after about a month I was so over it.

Hope you are able to find the beautify in it before you implode. g

gypsyknits said...

I enjoy the pictures of the pups in snow:) Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Super cute! I took my dog out in the snow to play but sans camera, I was afraid I'd be too clumsy!

Criquette said...

Looks like Sophie is channeling her inner Husky!

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