Where's the Treats?
Thursday already? Woo hoo... that means one step closer to Friday! If you only stop by on doggy days, take a peek back ... Zeus won Cloud Star's Halloween photo contest and I posted a review of Planet Dog's RecyleBALLS. Do you think Zeus is letting his contest win go to his head?
Sophie says "hmprf... I could've won... I know how to pose..."
Tut and Lola just say "so, where are the treats he won for us?!?!?"
He really has that star quality - love how he is all spread out on the sofa. :-)
They're all adorable and need extra treats!!
Sophie does indeed know how to pose. Of course, she is a girl!
Was that a doggy version of a happy dance? :-)
Congrats Zeus! I am sure all the pups at your house are star worthy and posing comes natural! Happy DOT's!
Zeus is a star! I'm sure he gladly shared his treats with his siblings too didn't he?! :)
Zeus is proud and trying to be humble! Cute pix! ;)
Congrats! Certainly deserve all the extra treats!
Love that first pic Nicole! They're all looking great. Max, Sam and Boomer send woofs and licks to all.
I really want to get Daizzy some of those balls. They look like fun!
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