First, what's that Miss Lola spies across the table?
It's a white hickory tussock moth caterpillar. First one I've ever seen...
While Lola was captivated by the funky little guy, Zeus has been discovering the woolly bear caterpillars that have been popping up all over our yard lately.
Lola had a vet check up at the end of September (was that really two weeks ago?!). She enjoyed a nice R-I-D-E (don't worry, I snapped the following picture while we were safely stopped at a red light), and had a great check up with Dr. C. We'll keep her on the 10mg, once a day dose of prednisone through early November when we go back for another check up. It seems to have zapped those little lumps that had popped up!
Wow, cool caterpillar. So glad Nola is doing good!
Glad all is well for Nola!
It's Lola....
That last photo is adorable. How did you get her to hold that faraway gaze long enough to get her picture? Love it!
Such a beautiful fur baby. :) That's a weird looking caterpillar!
A nice ride is a good thing. A nose out the window is terrific!
So glad the pretty girl is doing better!
That is excellent news about Lola! Love seeing her sweet face. She looks great! Caterpillars are such interesting little creatures. Thanks for sharing!
Susan and Wrigs
I'm so glad to hear that the lumps are going down. You must be relieved. My Lola and Bailey both had their cysts disappear last month. I was doing a happy dance.
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