Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doggone Thursday

Happy Doggy Day, or little Friday as Chan likes to call it! Its her last post over at Dogs on Thursday, so be sure to hop on over and read about a cool contest Namaste is having in their Ravelry group. Speaking of Namaste, stay tuned for a review of their new Hermosa and Mini Clutch bags, as well as XL Oh Snaps!

If you only stop by on Thursdays, hop back to this post and check out Sophie modeling my latest finished object!

Here in Lapdog country, the kids are once again in search of their sunshine and wondering just what happened to summer. We haven't done much this week (except Sophie's fabulous bucket hat modeling shoot), but no worries... I have 101 an abundance of pictures to share from the past month or so!

Although Matt hasn't done up his go-kart's new body yet (ah-hum), as a Valentine's gift this year I had surprised him by having someone design his number ala Boston Bruins (he actually started to do it on his own, then lost the files when our old computer crashed). Well, last month I went a step further and had a few items printed with the number on them for an anniversary present. One of the items was an XL dog shirt (which he has informed me is not allowed to be worn at the race track by our dogs... pptth!). Yes, I said XL... and look who it fitst (click links for more pics, there's lots of extras this week)...

Sophie_9_6909 Sophie_9_6909b

Please don't tell the Princess that she's an XL. It kind of fits Tut too, but not very well (its the same size as this one).

Here's my handsome Zeus checking out his namesake toy (ever since he was a puppy, Zeus the Moose has stuck) and giving a close-up nod to all of his fans (that means you Chan)...



Lola practicing her "lay down, relax, repeat" skills...

Lola_53009 Lola_6909

Tut and Lola hanging out... "mom, she's sitting on me!"

LolaTut_53009 TutLola_52809

Tut hanging out with his other siblings...

TutSophie_53009 ZeusTut_53009

The boys hope you have a lovely Thursday and that the sun is shining wherever you are...



Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! What sweet pictures here. Your dogs are just adorable. Thank you for sharing. Charli sends them all a hug.

Dawn said...

Great awesome they all get along!:) Happy DOT

Sonya said...

After seeing your pics, Olivia thinks we need to have 4 dogs too. As cute as your 4 are, we will stick with just 2.

Dianne said...

The "she's sitting on me" shot had me laughing out loud!

Sue said...

If an X-large fits Sophie, what size would Zeus wear?

I love the 'Mom, he's sitting on me' pics. We get that here, too. 'Mom, he's touching me' or my favorite 'Mom, he's looking at me'. Even though they're all spoken in growls, I get the message.

Anonymous said...

HA awesome shirts! Great job with the logo. Why can't the dogs wear them? Maybe they like dressing up to cheer on daddy! I was going to ask if they were kids tee's, but you had said dogs tees. Gosh I wonder what my mom's rough coolie would be... xxxl? haha

silfert said...

Tell the Princess that "XL" stands for "Extra Loveable"!

Poppy Cottage said...

They are so cute! Love that shirt ;)


SissySees said...

XL? Sophie? I don't think so... PFST.

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