Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wanted: 1 Doggy Ark

Seriously now... it has been raining for 3+ weeks!!!!!! This has gone well past the ridiculous stage and is now into the cursing at Miss Mother Nature on a daily hourly basis stage. The grass is now well past Sophie's belly, which means Princess has to practically be forced onto the wet, icky grass to do her business. Zeus now hides everytime he hears rain drops... and the poor kids are home alone today as thunderstorms roll through New England (they are not fans of the thunder even more than not fans of the rain). Sigh.

Here are some pictures from early June... when we actually saw a little sun and the dogs were hanging out on the back porch watching Daddy mow the lawn.


My girls...

Lola_6809 Sophie_6809

My boys...

Tut_6809 Zeus_6809

Sibling fun...

4Dogs_6809b TutLola_6809

Nosey pooches...

SophieLolaTut_6809 SophieNose_6809

Happy Doggy Thursday... aka Little Friday, which is actually my Friday this week thanks to the holiday!


Tina. said...

I sure hope you get some sunshine soon, but that grass gets any higher and you might as well bale it! Poor pups, the thunder doesn't bother mine, but I have seen some dogs that shake and hide when a storm comes. Honey Dew's bladder seems to be much larger when it rains however, she will hold it till it looks like her eyeballs are floating, just so she doesn't have to go out in the rain.

Sue said...

You're going to need a sheep to trim the grass before this is over. I hope you and the pups get some sunshine soon and that we get some rain.

Life With Dogs said...

We are floating up here in Vermont - but we are headed back to NH for the holiday weekend. Let's hope for a rain break! :)

Marjie said...

We had sunshine for 12 minutes this morning. Yep, 12 minutes; I watched out the window. My garden won't grow and my boys and Thor can't go out. The only plus is that the lawn service bill has been very small this year. Your crowd is as depressed as mine!

Anonymous said...

Can I hop on with my dog and horse? We need some relief! This AM was insane! I pondered not getting out of bed for a while but then realized my horses must be nervous with the storm so I got up and going. Here's hoping for some relief over the long weekend.

SissySees said...

It's clouding up here again, dangitall...

Mooch those noses for me!

silfert said...

Now I know where the rain went after it dumped on us!

Dianne said...

Gorgeous girls and handsome boys!

gypsyknits said...

It's not much better here. Rain, rain, rain and cool weather.
Mr. Bettis won't even go out to run in the his new mud hole and Molly isn't about to leave the lower deck to go potty. (sigh) I'm a little sick of this mess as it's showering as I type.......

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