Saturday, July 04, 2009

Baby Girl Turns 7

Happy Birthday to my baby girl!!! Yes, that's right... Lola is 7 today! If you want to take a look back in blogging history, here is last year's post, here is when she hit 5 and here's when she turned 4. And now... the annual photo recap!

Lola being... well, Lola...

Lola_62308 Lola_83108closeupB

Modeling some of Mommy's knits...

Lola_OneRowScarf_908 NewsboyCap_209_Lola

Checking herself (and Tut) out in The Bark! magazine...


Hanging - and cuddling - with her siblings...

LolaTut_100708 LolaSophie_sleepy_1108

LolaZeus_60809 TutLola_111408

Surviving 9 days without power during this past December's ice storm...

Lola_121308_blankie Lola_121208

Spending time with Mommy & Daddy...

NicLola_51108 LolaMatt_SH_92008

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!



SissySees said...

Happy, HAPPY birthday, Lola-DIVA! You're such a beautiful gal...

Sue said...

Happy Birthday x 10 from your Portie friends.

Bubblesknits said...

Happy Birthday Lola!!!

Turtle said...

awe, happy birthday lola!

AllyB said...

Sam, Max, Boomer and I want to say a belated Happy Birthday to Sam's virtual twin! Lola is the what connected us in the first place. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my little contest.

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Lola. I hope your Mommy bought you a cake :) Or maybe shared some watermelon. g

Rachael said...

happiest of birthdays to you Lola! Here's to another great year!

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