Iz jusz standz over here andz watz for dem to landz...
Oooh... lookz at dem all der! Iz gotz to rrrruuunnnnn...
hee heez... Iz makz you all flyz faaassttt!!! I getz you my pretteeezes... Look Momz... Iz getz dem!
That's Zeus' favorite game... lying in wait for as many birds as he can stand still for to gather on the feeders... then jumping and carrying on to make them all scatter. He gets such a big 'ole grin on his face after. Not sure how I managed that little rainbow in the corner of a couple of those shots, but cool...
As for knitting news... yes, I still do that. I still need to get this finished. Must work on it tonight... hopefully the baby isn't cold!
Which means I had absolutely no right to cast on these Saturday night... right? Although, I did have to test out this 3AM Enchantments bag for an upcoming review...
Bailey does that with the chickens and it is hilarious. I swear you can see him grinning and he prances when he is done scattering them.
Love the photos of the big guy "hunting"!!!
And repeat after me... Knitting is a hobby. I do it for stress relief. There are no rules...
Zeus is a hoot! We have a screened porch, and Thor likes to sit in there. Sometimes birds get stuck in there, and he studiously ignores them.
Love that blanket; the colors are so pretty! And the baby's getting warmer, because spring is on the way!
Love the photos of Zeus chasing the birds. :)
Hey, that bad did need to be tested right? No guilt! :P
Good boy, Zeus! You take care of those pesky birds in NH and we will chase them down here in NJ!
Emma, Cooper and Tara
Zeus and Tsar would get along so well. That's one of his favorite games, too.
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