Where to Find: Wapiti Labs, Inc.
It's time to get back to the basics with the chews we give to our dogs! Dogs have been chewing on antlers for probably as long as they have existed, but it wasn't until now that they have been so commercially available.
Wapiti Labs antlers in full and split |
Antlers are an all natural, renewable source, making them not only a healhty treat for our dogs, but an environmentally friendly treat as well. They support bone, joint and muscle health and are quickly becoming the "it" chew in the dog world - with the Lapdogs being of no exception! There are quite a variety of antler chews on the market, including deer, moose and elk, with new brands emerging daily.
Wapiti Labs Elk Velvet Antlers are 100% natural, with no preservatives added - and they're Made in the USA! The antlers come from accredited, farm-raised herds at Wolf Creek Elk Ranch in Sturgeon Lake, MN where the bulls and cows are carefully selected to ensure breeding of the healthiest stock possible. All of their animals are certified by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and are registered with the North American Elk Breeders Association. Routine health checks and inventory programs keep the animals in optimal health. They are raised in a completely natural environment and to reduce stress, the ranch does not exceed two animals per acre of grazing land.
Wapiti Labs Elk Antler Chews are available split and whole, in five sizes ranging from tips to super chunk. The Lapdogs received four of the Large size, 2 split and 2 whole. While neither option will splinter, I prefer to give my pack the whole antlers. The split ones just didn't last as long with my tough chewers, however they would be ideal for older dogs who may not be up to the challenge of working so hard to get to that yummy stuff in the center.
In regard to the processing, Wapiti Labs says "Antlers are removed once a year from healthy bulls using a low stress and drug-free process. We use an advanced extraction process that keeps the nutrients in their most potent state. In addition, we are the only company in the world that can trace back all antlers and supplements to their herd and bull origin."
The Lapdogs clearly give their official 16 Paws Up Seal of Approval to Wapiti Labs Elk Antler Chews! They can't get enough and are drooling for more!
If your dog loves to chew - and really, what dog doesn't? - don't hesitate and order an antler today! You - and your pooch - will not be disappointed.
Thanks for the Awesome Review on the antlers. We are going to give them a try in the next couple weeks. We are loving the fall weather!
Your Friends
Woof! Woof! What a very informative review ... Great JOB n Golden Thanks. I have not tried this will check it out. It's huge n sure taste yummy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I wonder how these would work for Sam. I don't believe they tested him for Elk allergy, LOL I'll be Max and LittleDog would like them though. Thanks for the review Nic. I think of you everytime I get a certain dish cloth out of my drawer. That's the best part of Dish Rag Tag. I miss doing it this year but it has gotten too big for me. Have a great weekend Nichole and thanks for visiting my blog.
Thor loves to chew, of course, but I hesitate to give him bones. His jaws are so powerful that he splinters bones like they're nothing. Nice to see pictures of the Big Lapdog Pack enjoying the antlers!
Nichole thanks for the great review! So happy your pups are enjoying our chews! Please note that these chews do not splinter like other bones and can withstand some seriously strong jaws! Please visit our fb page and "like" us for product updates and info! Also would like to offer free products to anyone wanting to do a blog review, just email me michelle@wapitilabsinc.com
Emma, Tara and Cooper say "YUMMY!!!"
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