Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Knitting Along...

Yes, that's what I've been doing... just knitting along. My finished object from last week is the Kerchief Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I used about 1 1/2 skeins of Sugar 'n Cream twists...


I finished one of my Fetching mitts. I'm using Heirloom Alpaca and Zitron Ecco, held together, and hence had to go down to a size 4 needle. I love the way these yarns are knitting up and the 2 strands together create a much more substantial mitt (if you are in need, A Knitter's Garden carries both yarns). One down, one to go!


My Booga bag is nearing completion. I'm using Noro 178. This is just about 2 skeins knit for the bag, then I will make the icord handles before continuing on with the bag (I didn't bother counting rows, just knitting until there's no yarn left)...


I've also been knitting away on my Potpourri Shawl, which was purchased in kit form from Knit Witts about a year ago...


I have some more WIP's going as well, but nothing photo worthy (or that hasn't been hibernating for months). I cast on my first Pay It Forward item last night while wathcing The Biggest Loser and will work some more rows on it at my hair appointment tonight.

In other news.... are you ready for some football????


Lola, Sophie and Teutul are...


Go Pats!!! Push for Perfection........


Alana said...

You've got SO many great projects in the works! I love the colors of the Booga--it will be gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

So I'm tooling along and I see your first pic, and in my early morning fog I think "wow, Nichole's knit a pair of undies! Wonder if they are a thong!?"
Then I see that it's not a belly button in your photo, over a triangle of undies, but your floor.
I need more coffee. ;)

Anonymous said...

You really do have some lovely projects going!

Sissy, Mugsy and I will be watching the Super Bowl together. We were going to a party, but that was before the Knight realized he had crew, and of course, finding a replacement on Super Bowl night is out of the question...

Lacey said...

WooHoo Patriots..your dog's have great taste in football teams!!

Criquette said...

I'm pulling for the Pats and plan to STAY AWAY from all tv's until the game is over. This is because I put a curse on my favorite teams, even when I view just part of a game on tv - it's weird but true.

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