Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Lola

My baby girl Lola is 6 years old today! If you've been reading my blog long enough, you may remember when she turned 4 or last year when she hit 5.


The queen was spotlighted over on Dogs on Thursday yesterday and she will get her special birthday cake from Woof It Down (to share with her siblings, of course) and birthday toys later tonight.

It's been another fun filled year....

There was her KongTire invention... {click all links for more Lola prettiness}

Fun romping in the white stuff...


Cuddling time with sister...

Spoiling by some of Mommy's swap partners...


Jumping for joy when spring finally arrived...


Even if it did mean time for a bath...


And just plain 'ole fun hanging with her brothers and sister...
TutLola_31608b LolaZeus_32708
All4_51808b SophieTutLola_122407croppedCUTE

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!


Criquette said...

Happy birthday, to the beautiful Lola from her pals, Chloe, Abbie, Bitsy and Criquette!

Kare said...

Oh! Happy birthday, Lola!!!
Lola, L-O-L-A Lola! Love from Sadie, Bobby and me!

Kenyetta said...

Happy Birthday!
Diamond & Snoop

AllyB said...

Happy birthday to Lola from Max and Sam B. Have a great holiday weekend. You're really missin out not doin the weedin, hahaha, so therapeutic!

Bubblesknits said...

Happy Birthday Lola!

SissySees said...

Love the photo of the sisters cuddling, with that little Sophie paw on her shoulder...

Mugsy and Sissy send sloppy kisses and big wishes for MANY more.

Dianne said...

Happy birthday to sweet Lola from Emma, Tara & Cooper. We all took a vote, and the picture of Lola and Sophie together on the sofa is our favorite!

Milly said...

Happy Birfday Lola,
Rosie, Molly and Lily

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lola - you are beautiful. Hope you don't have to share your new toys right away. g

silfert said...

Happy Arfday, pretty girl!

Skritches from silfert, Himself, Junior and Henley.

Kathy R said...

Lucy and I love the picture with the head-tilt! Hope the birthday was happy!

Anita said...

happy birthday Lola!! She is such a ham, great photos!! :)

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