As promised last week, I'm back with many, many pictures for your viewing pleasure!
First up, some of that "festive fall"crap stuff from before. :-) We've had some rain and icky wind that has knocked most of the beautiful leaves off of the trees already, but I did snap this one from our driveway view.
How about a ghostly view of the pumpkins at the Keene Pumpkin Festival last weekend? Okay, okay, so maybe its not so much ghostly as a little out of focus? It was difficult getting any good pictures with it being First up, some of that "festive fall"

Socktoberfest is almost over and sad to say, I'm still working on my Magic Stripes. I've put it aside to work on various other projects, but did have good intentions of not only finishing this pair, but a second pair as well in honor of Socktoberfest. I guess I'm not a very good participant, huh? Here's a pic, next to the Smocked Gauntlets that I cast on last week and haven't had a chance to really knit much on since...
Here's a close up of the gauntlets so you can see the stitch detail and the awesome Rock Lobster colorway by Sereknity! So far, these are a blast to knit and I hope to have them finished soon - my hands are getting a little chilly waiting for them!
I've been working on a scarf of my own pattern in a cashmere blend yarn. I'm not totally happy with it at the moment, as its rolling in to a spiral due to the stitch pattern, however I'm hoping it will block out flat when finished. I'm using the Sereknity needles too..
Next to the scarf is a darling little baby bootie. I've been working on doctoring up a pattern to make some for the Holiday Open House at Jenn's and thinking I've finally got it down.Speaking of Jenn, Nate's hate is finished (woo hoo... hear that, a FINISHED object!!)... I absolutely love the way this navy color turned out (and its Heirloom Breeze, which I love knitting up) and can't wait to see it being modeled by the little guy!
I didn't make it to knitting guild last night, as I've been fighting that nasty sinus pressure and allergy crap. I did plan to veg out and knit at home, but instead decided it was time to switch to my new bag that I bought at the Cirque du Soleil show last month (yes, they now sell some bags and I believe even clothing). Figured half an hour at best, but instead it turned in to a full evening project, with a little help from my 4-legged children. Smell something a little fishy in this picture (hint, I even marked it for you!)?
Isn't it THE coolest bag though? I couldn't resist - its my favorite colors (purples and blues) with an awesome funky lining and cool details... yea, I dropped a bit of pennies on it, but I love it and that's what matters!
Speaking of the children, I wanted to share a few new photos and updates. Zeus' xrays showed wonderful success with the surgery. The spot where the bone was cut through is barely even visible on the xray and everything is healing quite well... the pins and plate are all nicely in place and the knee is stronger than ever! We may put off the 2nd surgery until February / March, but haven't completely decided just yet. Here's the big guy enjoying the crisp fall air and a new toy...

Speaking of the children, I wanted to share a few new photos and updates. Zeus' xrays showed wonderful success with the surgery. The spot where the bone was cut through is barely even visible on the xray and everything is healing quite well... the pins and plate are all nicely in place and the knee is stronger than ever! We may put off the 2nd surgery until February / March, but haven't completely decided just yet. Here's the big guy enjoying the crisp fall air and a new toy...

Guess who just turned 3? Our littlest monster, Teutul... shown here "hanging" with his new buddy from Old Navy (the middle of it was a stuffed Halloween Mummy, however the stuffing didn't survive the night, but he loves it just the same)...
And guess who thinks she can knit? The lickmonster herself, Miss Lola, who's been eyeing my yarn and those really cool sticks that go "clickity-click" over her head as she tries to cuddle up in Mommy's lap to watch TV.Now guess who thinks she might be able to spin? Did you guess? Yup, I finally ordered myself a drop spindle off of ebay and am anxiously awaiting it (hopefully Heather's just as excited to be anxiously awaiting my cries of HELP... thanks in advance dear!). Next week our knitting group is making a trip to Riverslea Farm and I can't wait! I'm quite sure I'll come home with some wonderful wool and roving.
Until next time, try to stay festive and enjoy what's left of fall!