What: Doggupy is an organized protest in New York City uniting dogs and their owners in the cause to bring dogs everywhere better food. Dog lovers (with or without their furry friends) can join the pet food revolution by signing a pawtition to raise donations of wholesome food for local shelter dogs through the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals. Attendees will rally, learn about nutrition for their pet, receive free samples and take pictures while "liberating the bowl." The event in Union Square is just the beginning of the movement.
If you're like us and don't live in NYC, you can also sign a pawtition on Facebook to help Merrick donate real, wholesome food to dogs in need.
When: Tuesday, October 2 ~ 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
*This space is Doggupied — arrive between 11:30 am- 12:30 pm and enter to win a year's supply of food. Ten prizes will be awarded.
Where: Union Square, New York City – NW Corner (Union Square W and E 17th Street)
Why: United we sit. Together we stay. Because dogs deserve real food and should eat what people eat, for those that join the revolution by attending Doggupy — furry or not — Merrick Pet Care will donate food to local shelter animals in partnership with the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals.
Who: Merrick Pet Care Inc., a leader in the super-premium pet food category, is declaring a pet food revolution — a revolution in a dog bowl — with its announcement of a new line of dog food entrees that brings pet food to an entirely new level. With a mission to create the most nutritious and wholesome food it can to help families take better care of their pets. Made in the USA with only the freshest, locally grown ingredients, the entrees provide balanced nutrition, with health you can see in your dog’s bowl, and more importantly, in your dog.