First off, if you are my Mother, STOP reading here until after you get your Mother's Day package!
Mom, I said STOP...
Did you stop? Well, in case she's still reading, I'll start off with a picture of one thing I love about spring... and about the only time I can say I love having a friggin' apple orchard a dozen apple trees in the back yard...
Aren't apple blossoms beautiful? The other thing I love about spring is the robin's nest under our back porch (which gets renovated & used every year) and the 4 beautiful blue eggs. I saw the eggs 2 weeks ago, but am very sad to report that when I went to take a looksie at the beginning of the week, all of the eggs were gone. :( We're thinking that pesky cat that has been invading our yard and driving the dogs nuts stocking the birds at the feeders may have gotten at them. This is the first year since being in the house we won't have baby robins. Zeus has been doing a good job playing guard dog to the birdies out front, but sadly he couldn't keep the critters away from the eggs out back... So mom did you stop reading? I hope so because I want to show off my latest FO, in time for Gina's FO Friday! I present to you, a Booga Bag which I've been knitting in "secret" since it is her Mother's Day gift and she reads my blog often (well, at least I hope she reads it often). I wasn't going to post it until next week, but anyone who knows me, knows I lack patience well, it is FO Friday, right? Before the felting...

After felting and ready to use...

This was a fun and easy knit, which turned out a great little bag! I already have the Noro yarn ready to cast on for my own bag, and can see myself making more of these for gifts in the future (feel free to send me your 'hint' that you might like one, as knitting things for friends that they will actually use / want is always a plus!). Mom had actually requested the pattern and then had questions about where to buy the yarn several times before I had to tell her to sit tight and see what happens... lol) Princess Trixie update... tomorrow marks 2 weeks with us and she is still in need of a forever home. She's settling in a little more and showing her personality. I'm starting to think that she may enjoy a doggy sibbling after all, but maybe one that's more her size. She's starting to play and bond a little with our dogs, though there are still "instances" - example, if a piece of food falls to the floor, she doesn't quite have the manners of a princess and doesn't understand the "first to get it" rule, but instead tries to bully with growls and snaps. Other than that, things have been a gazillion times better. She is completley housetrained... and fully understands NO. In fact, after a no or doing something bad (like a growl at our dogs), she even finds a way to appologize! I'm just hoping she finds a home before we leave for vacation...
Here are some cute pictures from this morning before I left for work...

Hanging out on the old picnic table while Foster Mom takes pics of the apple blossoms

Isn't life grand???

Eeww... he's kissing me!

Does my butt look big?
On that note, have a good weekend... and I'll leave you with a photo from Matt's first win of the season last Sunday... race & knit on!

(Mom, did you ever stop reading this or is your surprised officially spoiled?)