Is it really Friday already? Well, I guess that means Happy Fiber Arts Friday! Today is one of those rare "why yes, she really does knit" posts, as I actually have knitting content to share.... Although I do hope to be sharing far more knitting in the coming months! Since there seems to be quite a troop of babies on the way this summer, I got started on some tiny knits. Here's Baby Boy Hat #1...
Pattern: Rolled Edge Cap from 60 Quick Baby Knits
Yarn: Plymouth Encore Colorspun in #7148
The real life colors are closer to the in progress photo on the left, but doesn't Instagram make it - and my sweet Sophie - look so vibrant? This is a super quick knit and I always enjoy working with Encore! I've already cast on #2 and am guessing I might even get a #3 from this one skein.
I cast on my 200 stitches for the Just Enough Ruffles Scarf over morning coffee...
Thank you again to Instagram for making a ho-hum photo look so much more interesting! Yarn is the Malabrigo Rios in #862 Piedras that I treated myself to after a job interview last month.
Now for something you've never seen on this blog before... Gardening! I know several of you out there are avid gardeners and while I love the look of plush flower beds and the taste of fresh veggies, I DO. NOT. WEED. (which you know if you've been stopping by for any length of time). I also do not have a green thumb. I've managed to kill every single house plant that has come into this house for 11 years, with the minor exception of my beloved Coffee Bean Plant that lived in my office for 6 or 7 years. It has been transplanted 3 times and has grown to at least 5 times it's originally size (I credit the fluorescent lighting). It now unhappily resides in my house and I'm debating on whether or not I should put it outside on the deck for the summer. Anyone out there know?
Speaking of my non green thumb... I got the bright idea that I wanted to try some container vegetable gardening this summer. I did a little bit when we first moved into the house with some success. I browsed the endless seed packet displays today and picked out some that were not only OK for containers, but also did not need to be started in the little pods... after all, it seems I'm a late bloomer with this gardening stuff. I also ventured to my local Tractor Supply for the first time and after I stopped ooohing and ahhing over everything (now I know why Matt has never asked me to go with him) , I stumbled upon something I just couldn't put down... a Pink Lemonade Blueberry bush. Yes, the package tells me this will produce pink blueberries! Who knew? Since I didn't want the tiny little bush to be lonely, I also picked up a Raspberry bush and some Strawberries that can hang in a bag from our deck. I don't know how much success we'll have with the fruit bushes (especially with our woodchuck family), but I'll give it a shot. I really want to see some pink blueberries!

So what are you knitting, planting or otherwise crafting this weekend? We have Matt's first race of the 2012 NELCAR Legends season tomorrow in Canada Unity, ME. I'm still doing my rain dance (yes, this just might be my least favorite track on the schedule, I'll admit it), however I hear it won't much matter given that this track will take all day/night to call the race. At least I've got plenty of knitting to keep me busy...