Saturday, September 29, 2007
I'm one of the COOL kids now!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Mom update
Thank you all for your continued thoughts, messages & prayers... the process is still ongoing. Its been wonderful to be able to talk to friends about this, and blogging a little about it has been my extra little stress reliever, so thanks for listening, caring and understanding. I've also discovered that a few of my friends are going thru much of the same things with parents or other family members lately and it has brought some of those "casual" friends a little closer. Sometimes you were just meant to have something in common that will bring you closer and make you stronger in the end.......
On a side note, a fellow bloggers recent "I'm IN!" post prompted me to check my Ravelry status again this week. On Wednesday I had 1,818 people in line in front of me. Just 2 days later, I'm down to only 641! More than half got invites in the past 2 days - nice! I wonder if I'll get my invite next week? Maybe by my birthday? ;-)
You are #19564 on the list.
641 people are ahead of you in line.
17276 people are behind you in line.
51% of the list has been invited so far
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Hey there Lilah!
On that note... please meet Lilah (click all the links for extra photos - I told you I took way too many!), the 45 pound basset hound/black lab mix who will wrap her stubby little legs around your heart in an instant!
She sure is a Dandy... though we never called her that (it was her original name in the South and so unfitting for such a pretty little lady)! She's been making herself right at home since the minute she walked through our front door. Our kids are all happy to have a new wrestling and tug-of-war buddy (how cute are they?) around.
This is actually the only picture I've managed to snap of all 4 of them thusfar... its hard when your guest target moves at 100 miles a minute!
She's been wrestling with Tut outside...
Cleaning everyone's ears...
Finding favorite spots to call home...
Trying to imitate her big step-brothers & sister...
And sometimes not quite understanding
the concept of a camera (I so love this photo)...
Lilah's a great little girl who's going to make one fantastic doggy and it sounds like she may be getting adopted over the weekend! Friends/neighbors of the family who adopted her sister Bella are very interested and if all goes well, we'll meet them tomorrow.
Lilah (are you still clicking the links? check out her gigantic feet!) wanted to give an extra woofy thank you to the wonderful Gigi who so graciously crocheted a whole bag full of snuggles for me to have on hand for my foster dogs. I had made mention to her that I wanted to start knitting some and have a stash on hand for the dogs to take when they come and just a couple weeks later, I have a huge shopping bag full of gorgeous snuggles! Thank you Gigi, you are such a thoughtful person! Lilah got to have the first pickings and I think she choose beautifully...
Doesn't she look beautiful in her Snuggle by Gigi? She wrapped herself up in it right away and has been carrying it around the house, balling it up in her create, etc. Now... speaking of snuggles, I wanted to announce a little contest that I've had in the back of my mind for a little while now. Do you see the link at the top of my blog to donate to the ASPCA? I set my fundraising goal to $1,000 for them and hope to reach it by Christmas. Some of you donated when I first put it up, but donations have come to a screaching halt in the past month or so. So, I'm anncouncing the first ever Lapdog Creations contest... details to follow very shortly in a separate post!
This sure has been a long post... Mom Lilah (you still clicking? don't they look like the Three Amigos?) needs a nap now!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What scout badges have you earned lately?

The “Knitting Whilst Under the Influence” Badge - This applies to both actual knitting under the influence, as well as achieving moments of stunning intellectual clarity about ones knitting under the influence. Presumes talking about knitting whilst under the influence a given.

In Ravelry news, I'm a little closer to the highly sought after invite...
You are #19564 on the list.
1818 people are ahead of you in line.
16498 people are behind you in line.
49% of the list has been invited so far
Monday, September 24, 2007
Honey, I shrunk the lab!
Question: Autumn has now officially begun here in the States!! What is your favorite thing about Autumn/Fall? Why?
Answer: If you haven't already noticed by my swap question answers already, I love all things fall in New England! The fresh crisp air, the fairs & festivals, the food (hot apple cider, cider donuts, apple crisp, chowder in bread bowls...), the colors (nothing beats foliage in New England!), pumpkins... and I am a fall baby (my birthday lands Oct 7th)!
Another thing I love about fall is that we can take the dogs out to the dog park and not be sweltering in the heat! Hopefully we'll get to meet up with Dustee over there soon... In the meantime, I received some updated photos of little Dottie from her Mom over the weekend. She said that Dottie has been playing with her brother Jack non-stop and really coming out of her shell. I was so happy to hear from her! Here's the little girl all snuggled up with Jack...

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Its a Bird, Its a Plane, Its a....
Ever since he was a puppy, Zeus has noticed when they come by, and let's the neighborhood know by barking & carrying on. I'm not sure if he thinks they're going to invade the house and he's barking to keep them away... or maybe he thinks someone threw a ball really, really far... or if they're alien birdies in the sky, but he is very observant. He's to the point if you ask him "Where's the balloon?" he'll go outside and run around, looking up in the sky for them. We had a little impromptu photo shoot last Friday when two of the balloons were going by...
Some closer up shots of the beautiful balloons, thanks to a wonderful super zoom digital camera!
One happy dog chasing balloons...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I am Simba... hear me roar!

Oh my gravy (love Rachael!), it was sooooooooooo yummy! Screw that all day cooking soup stuff! Of course now I don't know how to clean it because it came with a handy dandy sheet that says to not use detergent on it. Does anyone know (hello, calling all Marthas!?!?!) if that means I can't use any dish washing soap at all on it? It is cast iron, but has an enamel coating.
I found this fun quiz over here and since I love The Lion King, I thought I would take it too.... its a bit long, but fun!
![]() |
You scored as Simba,You are Simba! You've suffered immense hardships, but you can see the larger picture, realizing that there is light at the end of the tunnel as long as you continue on. Family and best friends are sacred to you and you would leap to defend them at any time, at whatever cost. You also have a tendency to be sentimental, sometimes allowing your emotions to supercede your better judgement. And yet, at other times, you're not enough in tune with your emotions. You need to find an equal balance between faith and logic. You're still great, though, overall! |
Simba | 82% | ||
Timon | 64% | ||
Sarabi | 61% | ||
Rafiki | 57% | ||
Mufasa | 54% | ||
Nala | 54% | ||
Zazu | 46% | ||
Scar | 43% | ||
Pumbaa | 36% | ||
Ed | 29% |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Dishcloth Swap Topic of the Week...
Topic/Question: When you knit or crochet dishclothes, washclothes or face clothes, what do you use? What size needle or hook? Wood? what type? Metal? Plastic? A specific Brand? Why do you love that needle or hook so much? Is there one you are dying to try? Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for clothes? What is so special about it?
Answer: Well, I only knit so I'm using needles and my weapon of choice when knitting with dishrag cotton (read: Sugar 'n Cream or Peaches 'n Cream) is wood or bamboo needles and lately its been by beautiful Fiddlesticks needles with the coconut and mother of pearl ends. Love them! The fiddlesticks just glide thru the cotton so easily (sometimes too easily, but that's okay, they are a joy to knit with). The Sugar 'n Cream is a great go-too for cloths... cheap, easy to find, works well!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Chucky, Chucky, Chucky...

I went "swap shopping" for the pals I get to spoil a little yesterday and happened upon 2 of the most adorable tea cups for myself. I am pretty positive they are both Rachael Hale photographs too - and you all know how much I love her work! They are china and even came with the cutest little spoons (not sure they'll actually be useful for anything, but they are cute).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Goodyness in my mailbox!

Then today, I got a lovely surprise in the form of a Yarn Bouquet from the Manch Vegas girls with Zen Yarn Garden handpainted 70% superwash / 30% seacell sock yarn in the gorgeous colorway Tea Cups! (excuse the poor quality photo, I picked up the package on my way to work and used my cell phone to snap it) I can not wait to use this yarn and call me sappy, but even down to the colorway name, it made me smile (you see, my Nana's birthday would have been Aug. 18th and some of my fondest memories are of her & her tea, which was a constant as long as I can remember... and this just makes me think of her and smile!) The girls really made me smile when they surprised my Mom and now, this for me too. Thank you so much girls! Your thoughtfulness and caring gestures are truly appreciated and mean so much!
Knitting news... I've been busy knitting away on some items for the upcoming 2nd Annual Holiday Shopping Extravaganza at Jenn's (check out her Etsy shop for some great tote bags and baby items). My goal this year is lots of smaller things... things people will easily grab for gifts & stocking stuffers, and things I can package as ready to give gifts. This week I've been working on lots of cozies... quick & fun to knit things!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
On Behalf of My Mom...

Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Place To Bark
Friday, September 07, 2007
Woo Hoo... its Friday!
So... for some final "catch up" blogging from the past week... and I appologize in advance for the lack of knitting content (yes, yes... I do knit... I just haven't photoed any WIP's lately).
We ended up heading up to the Hopkinton Fair on Monday. I have no interest at all in the
How friggin adorable are these sleepy guys? They totally reminded me of 2 of my own children... see?
For the multi-crafty bunch out there, I wanted to share this awesome how-to that I found over on Ericka's blog. Have I not mentioned my love for all things autumn? I also love roses (what girl doesn't? although my favorite flower is the gerber daisy). So, take 1 part autumn & 1 part roses, mix 'em up and what do you get? The coolest roses made from maple leaves! Ericka is going to make them for her wedding, which just so happens to be taking place on my birthday! (side note: anyone who wants to be so crafty as to make me maple roses for my birthday, please know that I would adore them)
Dish Rag Tag update for the non-particpants... the official winners are Team Hip-Knit-Tised! Congratulations to them! My team's (Lucky 13) box arrived to Emily yesterday, as I'm sure others did as well. We're still anxiously awaiting the announcement of who placed 2nd and 3rd. The wonderful Joanne of A Knitter's Garden provided the beautiful hand made row counters for the 3rd place finishers.... check them out (you'll need to scroll down to the Aug 10th post on Emily's blog) and if you like, she has some available at her shop!
I decided to check on my Ravelry status this morning...
You signed up on July 22, 2007
You are #19564 on the list.
8035 people are ahead of you in line.
11775 people are behind you in line.
36% of the list has been invited so far
So I'm still waiting to find out just what all this fuss is about.
I got our tickets for this year's Trans-Siberian Orchestra holiday concert and guess what?!?! I managed to get us 3rd row! Cool. I went for the first time last year when Matt got me tickets for my birthday and it was amazing... if you have a chance, go see it! You won't be disappointed... young or old, no matter what kind of music you enjoy... if you love the holidays and amazing musicians, GO!
Apparently our former foster, the loveably Dustee, was also enjoying some of those final lazy, hazy days of summer like Lola the other day. I got some new pics from his Mom this week and couldn't resist sharing this one... so, kick back and relax like Dustee (wow- I can't believe its been so long since Dustee was with us, that we had snow!) this weekend... I'm looking forward to getting some good knitting (and hopefully a little of that house cleaning... ugh) in this weekend.