I'm happy to report that Bingo is settling in very nicely with his new forever family! It sounds like he sure is keeping them busy with tossing that ball...
I'll be posting a review of Wapiti Labs elk antler chews and supplements soon, but in the meantime I have photos of the Lapdogs enjoying their very first taste of elk and moose antlers. They have always enjoyed beef marrow bones, but are really loving antlers! I purchased one each of another brand's elk and moose before Wapiti sent theirs for review.
While all four dogs love them, Sophie has can-NOT-put-it-down syndrome. This is an elk antler...
Zeus the Moose enjoying an antler from his nicknamesake...
Lola taste testing the moose antler...
When I picked these up, I only grabbed one of each, so the kids had to take turns. Mean Mommy wasn't so popular that day. Although I swear if I had bought four, they wouldn't have been interested in them... because that's just how things work, right? Tut
Stay tuned for the Wapiti review soon! I actually have quite the backlog of review items right now, so stay tuned for Wapiti and lots of other great products!
Antlers? Wow! The kids look to be enjoying them!
Never fails, the other guy's treat or toy is better.
Where on Earth did you find Antlers? Isn't funny how they always want what the others ones have. Just like Children.
Hope you Guys have a Great Weekend!
I haven't gotten any antlers for my girlie yet, but I'm not too worried about it, chewing through the meat and bone gets her tuckered out for chewing and keeps her oral health at 300%!!
Looks like they love them though!!
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