Tuesday, April 08, 2014

REVIEW: Old Mother Hubbard Soft Bakes

Old Mother Hubbard Soft Bakes

Where to Find: Chewy.com


OMHtreats_Zeus_4614It's Tasty Tuesday and we're happy to tell you all about another delish treat brought to us by the great folks over at Chewy.com!  This month we received Old Mother Hubbard Soft Bakes natural moist dog snacks for review.

We have been fans of the Old Mother Hubbard brand for years, but had not yet tried Soft Bakes.  Knowing the company's reputation for good, wholesome treats, I was really looking forward to having the Lapdogs try these. 

Made in the USA with all natural ingredients, Soft Bakes contain no artificial flavors or preservatives, however they are not wheat free.  They are currently available in 3 flavors - Peanut Butter & Carob, Applesauce & Oatmeal and the flavor we received, Carrots & Pumpkin.

OMHtreats_TutSophie_4614Soft Bakes are part of Old Mother Hubbard's Gourmet Goodies collection - a line of unique, artisanal gourmet baked treats. As soon as I opened the bag, the smell of fresh baked pumpkin bread filled the room and the Lapdogs began lining up with paws waving and tails wagging. Judging by the drool left behind, I can only guess they taste as heavenly as they smell.

The soft treats are perfectly sized for the Lapdogs - not too big, not too small - and could easily be broken into smaller pieces for little dogs.  We're giving Soft Bakes the Official 16 Paws Up Seal of Approval - and I'm definitely adding these to our regular treat rotation!  We'll be trying the other flavors in the not-so-distant future.

We highly recommend ordering Old Mother Hubbard Soft Bakes for your pack!  Remember, all orders over $49 placed at Chewy.com receive free 1-2 day shipping so order some for the Easter baskets, or whatever excuse you use to shop this Spring.  Your dogs will thank you!

Disclosure: Chewy.com sent a bag of Old Mother Hubbard Soft Bakes treats to Lapdog Creations, free of charge for review purposes. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions expressed are my own.


Unknown said...

Great review (and fun pics!)

tubby3pug said...

soft treats are very popular here

retro rover

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

it looks like a mini muffin :-) Happy Tasty Tuesday. Golden Woofs

Ruby said...

Ooooh, those look amazin'!! Ma saw those in the local pet store last week and was gonna gets some for me, butts she said they had too many calories since I have to watch my dainty figure...pfffft!
So she gots me some other Mother Hubbard snacks instead...I still thinks these would be most tasty!
I'm puttin' them on my wish list!
Thanks for the review!
Ruby ♥

Sue said...

They look and sound really good. We got a package this morning and if Mom ever gets around to opening it, we'll try some new treats.

SissySees said...

We're soft treats fans too, but they're too big for Gg... my opinion, not hers. ;)

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