... to read this awful, heartbreaking, peed-me-off like you would not believe, story. I had just finished posting my entry for today (Dogs on Thursday) and this came in my afternoon headline news.
Officer Accused After K-9 Dies In Hot Car
Temperatures Reached 109 Degrees
UPDATED: 11:42 am EDT September 6, 2007
PHOENIX -- Authorities arrested a Chandler police officer Wednesday in the death of a police dog that was left in a hot patrol car for more than 12 hours, KPHO-TV in Phoenix reported.
I won't post the whole story here, instead click here to read it. If this ticks you off even a fraction of how much it does me, please, please take another moment to go here and file a complaint against this jerk! A dog should never, ever be left in a locked car for 12 hours - PERIOD. Nevermind the sweltering temps. And all the while he was napping, running errands and have dinner with his wife? The blog sensors won't allow me to type the words I really want to do so here.
I went and read it.
How effing stupid does he have to be?? I would love to know why he thought that was an ok thing to do.. I almost expect that from some asshole out there, but not from a police officer.
Hre is my complaint
"I am appaled at the actions of Mr. Lovejoy.
What kind of officer, let alone a K9 officer, would leave a dog in a car?
Michael Vick is going to jail for his participation in killing dogs, Mr. Lovejoy should also. He should not be allowed to work with the K9 unit ever again."
I went ahead and sent in a complaint.
Unbelievable! Can't believe he didn't have more sense. Just awful.
What is happening to this world? I sent in a complaint, and posted about it on my blog. Poor Bandit. It is all so unfair. I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race when I read about how fellow humans treat those entrusted to our care.
Inexcusable. This sort of thing makes me so angry. As if dogs are lesser beings. Puleeeez.
Oh Nicole - how do you keep finding out about all these idiots in the world! A dog should never be left in a car in the summer period!!!!
I thought Police Officers had a better understanding and some great relationship with their dogs than most of general society! UGH!!! g
I filed a complaint, too. This inhuman being has caused the death of a fellow officer and deserves the heaviest penalty they can devise. And don't worry about not being able to type your true feelings, we all share them.
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