Tuesday, December 14, 2010

10 Things on Your To-Do List

I haven't done Ten on Tuesday in a few weeks, so let's give it a whirl.  Today's topic is 10 Things on Your To-Do List (I can only list 10??)...

PoinsettiaTree1. Mail Gifts to my friends out of state.  I managed to get the Christmas cards done over the weekend (and have decided that after this year, if you don't send us one, then you're coming off our list... sorry, but when the list hits 100, it's time to edit), and now must sort, wrap, package and mail some boxes this week.

51Q5-XXDJCL__SL500_AA300_2. Write a review of the new Stitch 'n Bitch book. I've got a copy to give away to one of you, so stay tuned...

3. Download photos from the long weekend in Newport, RI.  Hopefully there are some cool shots in the bunch! 

4. Go through photos (download, tweak, upload, post) from the rest of our Charlotte trip from this past October (so far I've only made it through the Tiger World ones)!

Nic_Mohan_101410 Nic_Diego_cellphonepic

5. Cast on something with Jelly Yarn so that I can review it.  They sent some goodies for me to give away to you as well - again, stay tuned!

6. Sort and Wrap gifts ... right now it's just a mess of bags and boxes scattered about.

7. Last minute shopping for any gifts I may have missed. Hopefully that's zero because a lunch hour trip to Target for stocking stuffers yesterday made me remember why I stay far, far, far away from shopping centers and malls this time of year!

MontegoBay_6110_Tut8. Knit... my knitting time has been far too short in 2010 and my finished objects next to none.  Hopefully you weren't expecting any handknits under the tree this year... sigh.

9. Make a big decision about having one of Teutul's teeth pulled.  It really, really freaks me out after his brother passed away in July after having a tooth pulled.


10. Catch up on sleep... anyone have any good ideas on just how to do this?


SissySees said...

Good luck with that! I still need to do cards, finish shopping, ship, put up the tree(s)...

jen said...

I wish you luck with your list!

I tried some Nyquil last night, that helped me a sleep a bit:)

♥ Sallie said...

That is a hard decision. I know you will make the right choice!


Susie Kline said...

I want to hold a tiger! Cool pictures!

xo Susie

Anita said...

Awwww, I love the tiger photos! :)

I know what you mean about knitting/crafting time being short, hopefully we will have more this coming year! Maybe I'll even be able to keep up with blog posts too! he he

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