Thursday, December 02, 2010

A Long Winter's Nap

Happy Dogs on Thursday!  Can you believe it's December already?!?!  The Lapdogs look like they're already settling in for a long winter's nap...

Teutul, who can fall sleep anywhere, anyhow... including sitting up straight (one of these days I'll get a picture of that)!

Tut_101910 Tut_101910b

Lola, clearly giving her do.not.disturb. look....

Lola_101910b Lola_101910

Zeus, the biggest lapdog around... even when he does curl up into a little big ball.

Zeus_101910b Zeus_101910

Sophie, the almost-birthday-girl (she turns 4 on Monday) dreaming of birthday cake?
Sophie_101910 Sophie_101910b


Dawn said...

Sweet babies!

Sue said...

Monty used to fall asleep sitting up. He didn't want to miss out on anything so he'd sit straight, but his eyes would keep closing, till finally he fell over.

SissySees said...

I hate getting out of bed in the mornings when my dogs are snuggly!

Janet said...

Everyone looks so sweet and comfy all curled up!

Marjie said...

Thor recommends applesauce cake with meringue topping for the birthday girl and her friends! Happy DoT!

gMarie said...

beautiful photos! g

gypsyknits said...

awww....Happy belated Birthday to your other half.

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