Evanger's Wild Salmon Freeze-Dried Treats
Where to Find: Chewy.com
It's Tasty Tuesday and we're excited to tell you all about some great new-to-us yummies, sent over by the great folks at Chewy.com... Evanger's Wild Salmon Freeze-Dried Treats!
I've been feeding our pack more and more treats made with fish lately, mostly due to Sophie's allergies, but also for the overall health benefits for all of our dogs. That means I'm always on the look out for new brands, so I was more than excited when Chewy offered us these Evanger's treats to review.
Evanger's Wild Salmon Freeze-Dried Treats are made with one simple ingredient, wild salmon. So simple, it's downright cool, right? The salmon is gently dried and requires no refrigeration. Made in the USA, these treats are gluten free, grain free, and even Kosher!
"Since 1935, Evanger's Dog & Cat Food Company, Inc. has been the finest natural pet food company in the United States. Our founder, Fred Evanger, bred, exhibited, and championed his Great Danes in international kennel clubs. He was a fervent believer that his dogs' health and the health of their offspring were dependent on whole-some, nutritious food, and strongly advocated that this was the key to his success in the show ring. Mr. Evanger built a canning factory at his kennels so that he could make a quality pet food, free of harmful additives or preservatives, that was superior enough for his champions. Over 76 years later, we know that Fred Evanger was a man ahead of his time." ~ Evanger'sAs soon as I opened the 4.6oz container, all of the Lapdogs promptly lined up for a sampling... and they were not disappointed. Apparently, my pack loves their wild salmon! Sure, the treats have a distinct fishy smell to them, but it's nothing this Gloucester born-and-raised girl can't handle. Just don't tell Zeus these treats are also meant for C-A-T-S too!
If fish isn't your pack's thing, Evanger's Freeze-Dried Treats are available in five additional flavors; Beef Liver, Beef Tripe, Beef Lungs, Beef Hearts and Beef Tongue.
Order your Evanger's treats over at Chewy.com, where 1-2 day shipping is always free with your order of $49 or more! Perhaps it's time to restock the canine cupboard at your house?
Disclosure: Chewy.com sent a tub of Evanger's Wild Salmon Freeze-Dried Treats to Lapdog Creations, free of charge for review purposes. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions expressed are my own.
these treats look great I love treast with simple all natural ingredients
retro rover
Oh that looks yummy :)
That is something I have to order with my next food order. My dogs love fish and I love giving it to them.
Wow more yummy treats! I've had salmon jerky and it was delicious too! Love Dolly
Those sound delicious! We'll have to try them sometime! We love Chewy.com. :)
Thanks for the review! We'll have to look into these treats.
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