Happy March! I finished my mittens ... just in time for spring! Although, with the turn-your-head-and-it'll-change weather in New England that just might mean I'll get plenty of use out of them before summer finally hits, esp given the frigid temps and high winds that are putting us well below zero today (did someone just say spring was almost here???)! So... here they are, made from some gorgeous handspun wool/angora blend bought at A Knitter's Garden.

I did knit 4 extra rows along the cuff, as I like my mittens a little longer (its nice to tuck them in your sleeve when playing in the snow!), however overall they came out a tad bigger than I wanted, so I did felt them a bit last night. These photos were taken before felting, which I may do a little bit more of after getting some feedback from Joanne & the gang on Wednesday night... I am very pleased with how this handspun worked up too and the mitts are really soft.
Now for another FO (yea, I actually tried to get these up in time for FO Friday, but never had the chance to blog... to have to do other things like work sometimes just bites)! Remember the little lovebug Simon from a couple posts ago? We fostered him for a few hours last month... Well, Simon's then new Mommy got an unexpected job promotion, which meant a move to an apartment and unfortunately having to give Simon back, which then brought the little guy back to our house for a couple of days.... after all, who could resist this face???

That's the "I'm cute and you know it" pose (and check out his new green harness courtesy of Auntie Nichole)!
And here's one of my favorites, the "Will she get mad if we play with the pretty colored string and pointy sticks???" look Simon gave to Teutul in my little "knitting corner..." (notice they're matching green collars?)

So anyway, Simon has since been adopted by the wonderful Jimmy & Stacey (a big thank you to them - otherwise I'm quite sure we'd be a 4 doggy household now... did you see that face above??), which means that Auntie Nichole will get to continue to see and spoil the little guy! Yea!!! One of the first "spoils" is a camo doggy sweater! I haven't delivered it yet, so I don't have any real model shots, but did try to get it on one of my doggy model props... without much luck as you will see below ("one size fits all" doggy model? yea, not so much...)

With some quick thinking, I grabbed the next best thing... one of several stuffed doggies in the house!

It was a super simple, fast and fun knit done up in a Bernat Camouflage. Being that it will need to be washed often and it was a trial sweater for size and design, simple acrylic seemed fitting, plus it was already in my stash ... however, some gorgeous Sereknity super wash wool may be in order for Simon's next sweater!
Oh course, I can not photo anything without watchful eyes... but when it comes to something on a stuffed doggy, well the eyes get even closer...
I'm not sure if they're thinking Mommy brought another Simon home or if they are putting in orders for their own sweaters.... or they could just want to tear around the house with a stuffed dog to play tug of war with....
FO #3 ... my Sugar on Snow is finally done! Yup, I finally sat and finished the boring i-cord and then the little leaves for the ends.

It was another fun knit and I loved working with the Knit Picks Elegance yarn (70% baby alpaca, 30% silk -- yummy!)! It is so soft and easy on your hands. I definitely want to make something else with this ... any ideas? A couple more photos...
Here's how it would look for the hat form...
And as a neck warmer (which is how I will wear it, however I did bind off the edge a little tight, so I have to stretch it some and if I were to make it again for myself, I'd do a few less rows...)
That's it for FO's... but pretty good, eh? I cast on my cabled footsies from One Skein (and joined their knit along!) and am loving how they're turning out. I forgot to photo them, so that'll be for the next blog. I'm using my Lorna's Laces Shephard Worsted in Tuscany that I bought for 40% off when we went to Richmond, VA last September. The cables might show better in a solid color, but I absolutely love this colorway and the yarn is so incredibly soft. In other knitting news, I became a member of TKGA last week and am looking forward to the Knit & Crochet Show in July. I'm thinking about taking a class with Lily Chin (hence a big reason for joining TKGA - the member discount for 1 class pretty much pays for the yearly membership dues). I'm also looking forward to the Friday Night Knitting Club book signing and talk at Barnes & Noble this Saturday night with Kate Jacobs.... Until next time... keep knitting those warm mittens because you just never know how cold spring will be in New England (sorry Lora... but welcome to New England! lol)....
Mittens...fantastic! Sugar on Snow....adorable! I especially like the leaves!!
MAN do I wish i had mittens like those today! How NASTY is this weather?? Wonderful FOs and I can t wait to see picks of simon in his sweater.
So tired of cold...
so tired of snow....
.........yet. :o)
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