I won't complain too much about the lack of sleep because that was due in part to the loveable Bella, whom I started calling Isabella (short term foster Simon's human sister/our good friends' beautiful 15 1/2 month old daughter). If people actually heard me, I'm sure I would've gotten some is she freaking insane??? looks with my "who's a Bella... is-a-bella..." doggy talk, but alas, I thought it was cute & clever. You see, Miss Bella-bell (my other nickname for the cutie pie) had 2 modes -- GO, GO, GO, GO or CRASH. There's really not much in between with this active pup (after all, she is a pup and a terrier!). It was like having a baby in the house who didn't sleep thru the night... she would decide to wake up each night sometime between the god-awful hours of 2:00 - 3:00 am and decide it was time to pounce and play. Even Zeus would huff at her as if to say "hey little lady, its time to s-l-e-e-p!" Again - not complaining too much because she was an absolute joy and love bug. Was... translating to the great news that Bella went to her forever home last night with Nicole & Ryan in Manchester (they're about 15 minutes away)! We were sad to see her go so soon (I'm not sure which is worse - the ones here for 3 weeks before they go or the ones who stay just a short week... we get attached and love them all), but I am happy to report that she went to a perfect home... they are both young & active and like to jog & hike (oh how I remember those days ... about 10 years ago!) which will be great for Bella!

When we arrived to drop her off, they had already prepared a little basket of toys for her - including a hot pink Bobo just like Lola's (only smaller)! There was also a little rawhide bone in there, which Bella promptly found - and claimed - and after a couple minutes of exploring, she plopped down in the living room and began chewing... and chewing... and ignoring the rest of the world... I went to say goodbye and she could've cared less (how rude!)... I don't even think she realized we left. And I was worried about her going to a home that didn't have any other doggies to play and wrestle with... (although Nicole promised she'd bring her to the doggy park)! Should I pout or just be happy she seemed so content in her new home??!!
So back to that lack of knitting this week... I really don't have anything to show. I worked on my tank some more at Joanne's on Wednesday night, but not enough progress worthy of a photo. Speaking of Joanne, check out the A Knitter's Garden listing in the brand new Knitters' (and other) Travel Guide 2007-2008! She has copies of this fantastic resource book at her shop for sale - only $12! I snagged my copy Wednesday night and am impressed - its much larger than I had expected and now I won't be wasting so much time googling yarn shops when I go on vacation.
As part of the Dog Days of Summer Dishcloth Swap, we've been asked to post our favorite handknit item. Mine is not something that I have made, but rather something that I received as a gift last Christmas from Dad & Mom-Sue (Matt's dad & stepmom). Sue made me this absolutely stunning sweater, using Classic Elite Premiere, which means its not only visually beautiful, its amazingly soft and snuggly too!
I wore it when I met Kate Jacobs and she loved it too!
We were also asked to post something that we've seen on a fellow DDSD swap participant's blog that we would like to make. This was fun because it got me scrolling thru some strangers blogs and I came across - woo hoo! - yet another Doggy Mom Knitter's blog, Basset Knitter (omg, how cute is Elsie??!!)! And I'd love to make this cat bed. Yes people, I did just say CAT bed! I can knit for friends' cats too, right?? It looks so soft and squishy ... and definitely looks like a fun knit too... who can't resist a cat bowl? And oh to use up that fun fur that is stuffed somewhere under a bed or maybe inside one of my dogs' beds....
Anyone planning to go see The Harlot at Border's on August 2nd? I missed her last appearance at Webs because we were in Charlotte, but I did catch her there in 2006 and can't wait to see her again. I sent in my registration and am working out the carpool details with Joanne. Sounds like it'll be a fun night, even if it does mean rushing from work to get there... Stephanie is well worth the rush!
Not to bring the mood down, but unless you live under a rock I'm sure you've been hearing about the sad-excuse-for-a-human-being, Michael Vick and his horrendous dogfighting in the news lately. Please take a moment to visit the Humane Society of the US site and tell the NFL to act on this!!!!
Hey, I just read Amanda's post about registration and e-mailed mine in. A friend of mine and I are going! Hope to meet you there! I've had a crazy-go-nuts week myself, and I took today off to go and "play" in Boston. Originally it was going to be a dinner-time reunion, but it turned into an all day affair minus the reunion. TGIF!
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard about Vick! That is tragic. I hope they make an example out of him.
Hi Other knitting/doggie mom!
Thanks for visiting my site.
I am glad you mentioned the Dog days of summer swap contest.
I forgot to check back there this week. I have to get my post up quick before the deadline.
Hey your website is great! You are doing so many good things here!
I added you to my bloglines.
I had a funtime making that felted cat bed.
I got the pattern from Wendy knits.
It is her Kitty Pi' pattern, here:
I just used left over lambs pride and fun fur I had from another project.
I made the bed for the cats so they would stop sleeping in my felted bag, LOL, but now they just have 'another' place to sleep!
P.S. I forgot to ask you, if you and your fur babies wanted to join the Dogs on Thurday group I started last week at.
Sorry you had a stressful week.
The sweater that Sue made is beautiful!
Don't you just LOVE that traveler's book? I love mine...I've used it so many times. Hope you get more sleep! And...that sweater is so nice! The color is great for you!
Wow, you've been so busy! Bless you for fostering the pups. I've been on the receiving end of adoptions and often felt so bad about taking the dogs! It would be too heart-wrenching for me being the woos I am.
Ditto on that disgusting vile creature Michael Vick. I heard that PETA is after him and any retribution they exact will be OK by me. Now he's blaming it on his family. What an upstanding guy.
Have a great weekedn, filled with lots of puppy love. Great pics of the pup & he sounds like he's landed a great home.
I did hear about Michael Vick and I just cried. How could anyone, anyone ever do that to a dog? I just don't understand. Makes me sick.
On that note - I'm going down to my sewing room, gonna let the hounds in, give them a hug and sew - something positive. g
stunning sweater!!!! i am oh so jealous!!!
I checked out that cat bowl/bed, and it is just way TOOOO cute! I can't believe how sweet that kitty looks all curled up in it. Another cute bed is the mobius ones that Cat Bordhi has in her book. Have you seen them?
Ditto regarding that Vick guy! I hope he gets what he deserves!!
Lucky Bella to have had you for a foster mom. It sounds like you found a wonderful home for her!
I hope Vick gets indicted and sentenced to prison......
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