Updates on Mom & Bella...
Quick update on my Mom... she was moved to a nursing home for her rehab on Thursday afternoon... and boy is she much happier there! She's no longer confined to a hospital bed or hooked up to anything with wires, iv drips or annoying beeps. She can now wear her own nightgowns, get up to walk around and eat as she pleases (she even requested my cousin bring her a roast beef sandwich & root beer Thursday night for dinner). We visited with her on Saturday and I had printed out copies of everyone's comments for her on my blog posts. She was very touched and amazed to learn that so many *strangers* were thinking about her... of course I told her that when it comes to knitters in the blogging world, no one remains "strangers" for long! Thank you again to everyone who's been thinking about Mom ... it really truly means the world to myself, her and my family. Its amazing what the power of good thoughts, vibes and prayer can do. She has a follow up with her surgeon later this week and then they'll talk about a schedule for radiation to begin in about two weeks.
I also wanted to update everyone on little Cotton, also (formerly?) known as Bella! Of course I can't help but keep calling her Bella... Isabella... Bella-bell... Anywho, her Mom Nicole emailed me this week with some absolutely adorable pictures from the beach. She reports that at 3 weeks in to obedience classs, Bella Cotton knows "sit", "watch me" and "stay" - even if she doesn't perform every time just yet (hey... she is still a puppy, right?). They're working on some other commands as well, which I'm sure she'll pick up with ease. She was such a smart, willing to please - and very attentive - pup when she was here. They were headed off to go camping & canoeing in Maine this week - such the perfect active lifestyle for sweet Bella-Bell! Here's the little beach bum herself...

This one is my favorite shot... 
Back to the knitting ... working on my tank top today (I'm in the midst of doing 10 more inches of P1, K3 rib... ay, yi, yi). Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'm hoping the Lucky 13 team dish rag tag box shows up at my post office tomorrow, if not certainly on Tuesday as the amazingly fast Grace received and mailed the box out from NJ on Saturday... wow!
could you email me at needles54 at optonline dot net thanks so much''
I am planning on sending a box with a get well gift for your mom but I need to tell you something else too!!
Check your email Grace! :)
Great news about your mom! Love the pupster shots ;)
So glad to hear that you mom is doing better. You know, your own pjs can make a world of difference.
That has to be one of the cutest dogs I have seen. I prefer Bella too.
Good news about your mom!!
And "Bella" looks great! What cute pics!
I've been looking for a nice tank pattern, and that one is. Hang in there with the ribbing!
My photographer friend is mightily impressed with "Cottobella's" photogenic qualities. :) Hugs to your Mom!
Been surfin'...YOU sang "Don Gato", too?!
I'm so glad your mom is doing so well. She (and all of you) will continue to be in my prayers!
Hi there!
This is your Secret Pal for SP11. I'm looking forward to getting to know you. Have a good day!
How did I miss the stuff going on with your mom? I'm so glad to know she's feeling better. I'll add my positive thoughts to everyone else's, and some good thoughts for you too!
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