Winter Wonderland Week 1
Well, its certainly not winter yet in New England, although we are experiencing a "November Nor'easter" today with high winds and rain, remnants from Noel. The winds don't seem all that bad right now, but the rain has begun. The kind Fed Ex man just came running up the driveway to drop a package while being pelted with side sweeping rain....But back to the Winter Wonderlnad.... coffee swap, that is. Its time to answer the first Topic of the Week question.... When did you first start drinking coffee? What age were you? Was it about the caffeine, or do you love the taste and smell? Well, to be honest, I don't really recall but I'm guessing I was around 16 when I was bitten by the addiction started taking part in a New England ritual... daily visits to Dunkin Donuts! And yes, the myths are all reality... you really can not go more than a couple miles without finding a Dunkin' Donuts around here! Some of my earliest "coffee memories" were going out for a drive in the evenings with my brother, stopping for a medium coffee at Dunkins and driving around. Good times... chatting, hanging with my bro... I do miss that time and closeness with him. He's 8 years older than me, so the time we really spent the closest was from when I was about 18 - 21. We'd hang out at the same clubs (some of which I, ah-hum, might not have exactly been legally old enough to enter.... ah, the perks of doing PR work for local bands and going in to the bars/clubs at soundcheck and "blending in"... I won't mention the time I actually worked the door and was checking IDs of people coming in when I wasn't even old enough to be there myself... ah, fun times, fun times...), have a lot of the same friends and interests. Big bro even became a bouncer at my favorite hang out for a bit. The club was one I was old enough to get in to, an 18+ club. Of course, once bro was on staff I never waited or paid admission to get in again (break in to song momemnt: At the door we don't wait cause we know them... love Pink!) and gained a half dozen new, very protective "big brothers." How Matt never ran the other way screaming, I don't know... So anyway, back to the coffee. My name is Nichole and I'm an addict since the tender age of 16-ish. I'm now an average of 2 cups a day, sometimes more... depends on the work stress! Its all about the caffeine, taste and smell... and in the winter, the warmth & comfort... in the summer, the iced cold & refreshment! I've even crossed the line to lattes!
We don't have any Dunkin Donuts locally (which I think is just a tragedy), but we have started being able to buy their coffee in the Grocery stores this year and they do have really good coffee.
I never understood the Dunkin Donuts addiction until I lived in North Jersey - then it was a 'ddfv' every morning before work. Good stuff that. We have them here, but the coffee isn't as good for some reason! :P
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