New Header
I took a little inspiration from Natalie and finally got off my arse got a little creative and created my new banner / header! What do you think? I've looked at it at least 534 a whole bunch of times this morning, so if you see something blaring (its true that you can not proofread your own work, no matter how hard your try), please let me know ...
I've also fought with blogger to get it centered. Left to right? Success! Top to bottom? Not so much. I can't decide if it bothers me or if I like it though. Thoughts? As I type this it also looks like the "by Nichole" is way too big... ugh... am I being too much of a perfectionist?Afternoon Update: Annoying pain in the arse Perfectionist "me" has taken over... I've changed it a touch... the "by Nichole" is smaller and title is bigger. I also managed to change my "comments" to "woofs" -- yeah! OK, I'm done tweaking for awhile! For those of you who've asked, I have some basic graphics & design experience and use Photoshop. If you need some help, let me know.... Coming Soon: Blog Headers by Lapdog Creations... ha ha ha ha! Seriously though, I'll help you with some tips/pointers if I can.
I like it. It's fun!! I would love to do something like that on my blog, but don't have clue one how to do it! The things I've tried have turned out all mis-shapen and goofy looking.
I think it looks great. (we're always our own worst critics!)
I can't center my banner in Typepad either if that's any consolation.
Looks great!!! I'm not sure how to center I just had to mess with the size of my header in Photoshop and it seems to work.
Thanks for the shout out!!
Are you still planning on changing comments to woofs. :)
I love the new header! It looks perfect.
I think it looks fine and dandy...I like the pics of the boys! And I like the dog print on the yarn..cute touch!
Love it! I'm sure you can pick it to pieces, but it's great, truly. So, when are you going to teach the rest of us how to do it?!
Yep, "by Nichole" could be smaller...just because I like to be agreeable, LOL. You're enough like me that I know you'll change it, won't you? If something drives me crazy it doesn't matter what anybody else says, it's got to go! But I think it all looks great. We should all try to be less perfect :-)
LOVE the header!!!
I really like the new banner! It's YOU!
Love it! I'd like to change mine, but am afraid to touch it. Maybe someday I'll get up the nerve. You'll know because I'm sure to need your help!
It looks really awesome! I especially enjoy the paw print over the yarn, and I love the comments/woofs! How clever of you!
k -*-
Ok...I went and added all the doggie links you have and registered for Dog detective but didn't get around to registering both yet...working on that...
happy blogging.
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