First up, the extra large version of the Heirloom Baby Breeze hat I made for Jenn's adorable Nathaniel. I made this baby hat for him last year and he's of course, since out grown it... but Jenn loved it so much she asked if I could fudge the pattern for a larger version... so, I give you the giant baby breeze!
I'm anxiously awaiting some new modeling shots from Jenn and will share when they come.
I also finished my very own Amanda hat over the weekend and love it! I'm not typically a winter hat person, but this hat is just soooooooo soft and comfy and so far, has not given me that awful staticky, flat, winter hat head that everyone dreads. I even finished in time to go outside and photo it during our last snow storm (we got another foot of white stuff)...

A model, I am not, but I also took a stab at showing off my
And, since you're being honest with me (you are, right?), how do those big shades above compare to what I normally wear, which are much smaller (although these were still somewhat pricey... see, I normally get the $5 shades since I tend to toss them here, there and everywhere, but the ones below were my first "splurge" - they're by Columbia brand and were $80 at my eye doctor's office - non prescription)...
So I'm waiting... do I look like a total dork face or what??? Do tell!
Back to the knitting... yes, there was more of that done this week! I made progress on my One Row scarf over the weekend... this is a bit more than 1 skein of the Wisdom Sonnet (wool/silk blend) down...
I have a funny dog story to end your week. Some of you may know about the Evil Banana Incident... the day Zeus stood crying loudly at his bowl of food, looking so pathetic ... the day I learned he did not like bananas anymore (mind you he'd eaten them for a good couple years prior!). Well, we still give them to Lola & Teutul who love them and so when they got some this past week, we gave Sophie some too (as Zeus stood guard to make sure none of that evil mush ended up in his bowl). Did she like them like most dogs? Um, not so much. No, she didn't cry at them, she just gave me a funny look as if to say "how dare you," then proceeded to spit banana pieces out... everywhere. She normally eats in her crate, but I brought the dish out to the floor to avoid having mushed banana in there (as always, please ignore the dog hair... you already know that I could vacuum during every waking moment and still not be able to keep up) and this is what happened...
Notice how she carefully spits the pieces out and scoops up all the kibble around them? She's very resourceful...
She had a ring of bananas around her when she finished (which were quickly scarfed down by trash collectors, Tut & Lola)...
Too funny! I love that she discarded them in a happy circle...
Love the Amanda hat on you too. Might have to make one for myself if it doesn't cause static and hat head.
As for the shades... You look soooo stylish! I favor small little glasses, but they're hardly stylin'.
OK.....LOVe the BIG shades--I want them!! And..they look fab on you!!
As for Nathaniels hat--it's just PERFECT! It fits just right and as soon as the munchkin wakes up from his nap, I'll try to snap a photo. I love this hat so prepared to fudge again next year and make me an even bigger one!
Oh...and he loved the Spiderman stamps you used on the envelope!!
Great hats! Super cool shades! If you bought em wear em, you deserve nice things and they look great on you. Have a great weekend! Go Patriots! Not that I actually care about football, just trying to give you a little extra support, hahaha.
I like the big shades! You look like a movie star (actually, with all the snow behind you you look like a skier). I also like the Amanda Hat - what a great texture!
That Amanda hat is SO cute-- I just love it!
And the shades. Hmmm.. you can wear either pair--it depends on your mood. The small ones are a great all around, and the large ones are more, do I dare say, "Sophia Lauren"? I like 'em.
1. I love the hat, now please tell us about the luscious yarn.
2. Those glasses look fantastic on you - they just play up your features more than the smaller ones. They look like they were worth the splurge.
3. Abbie spits out foods she doesn't like too - she's polite about it, but doesn't spit it out as artistically as Sophie.
those shades are perfect!!
They aren't too big at all.
You look very chic. The Amanda hat is great on you. Love the color.
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