No gobbling about it... its friggin snowing today! At least its just snow showers, off and on, but it did make for a slippery commute on the backroads this morning. The dogs were loving it though, especially Lola. {as always, click their linked names for more new photos... I just uploaded a gazillion} You should've seen how wiggly she got when I opened the door and she saw snow... which prompted some super girl zipping!

Tut and Zeus were happily romping & zipping too...

Princess Sophie decided since she'd already done her business when Daddy let her out, she didn't need to be bothered to go romp in the white stuff... maybe later.
I was trying to be artistic
Speaking of trying to be artistic... I have photographic proof of my beading labor over the weekend!
3 chokers ~ all for gifts, 2 of which were mailed out this morning (with added extras) ... can you guess to whom?
Some stitch markers that are packaged up and ready for sale...

I mailed out a set of markers on Monday and hope the surprise/thank you arrives today. Another set went out this morning along with a knitted item (insert drumroll... with that my Pay It Forward packages are all out...yeah!). I plan to get some more markers made this weekend and finally up on Etsy!
Now, what's the gobble about you ask? Well, let me show you. Once I got to work this morning (the snow had started to be more wet and less white... before going back to heavy white flakes), this is how I was greeted (excuse the not-so-perfect cell phone camera pics)
No, you haven't lost your mind and yes, those are turkeys! They appeared on our office lawn for a couple days back in February and we hadn't seen them since.... until today. Today they were not only on the lawn, they spent the morning greeting each of us at the front door. We literally had to walk thru them. They also spent some time entertaining & greeting passersby...

They gobbled a bunch and gave us some pretty shows with their feathers before moving on later this morning...
So, tonight is knitting night (woo hoo!) and I'll be working on my Clapotis. I'll be back tomorrow for your blog reading pleasure with Zeus' birthday photos for Dogs on Thursday (I'm totally convinced now that you all read my blog more for the doggy photos than knitting content anyway...). Before I leave you for the day, I did want to show off this...
This hammered/textured white gold pendant (which is on a funky, double chain that you really can't see in the photo) was part of my Valentine's present from my honey and I absolutely love it! We saw it at the jewelry store a few days before V-day when we were picking up something and I just fell in love with it. He went back the next day and snagged it! I've never been one for this type of gold jewelry before (i.e. not a costume/fashion piece) but I thought it was so unique and very cool... so there's my 2 cents of bragging for the day. Happy Hump Day!
Looks like the kids had fun!! I cut all the fabric for my Pay It Forward but didn't make it to actually sewing them up. :)
Good job on getting all of your gifts out. :)
I'm with Sophie - don't go out in the snow if you don't have to! You have been a busy beader--everything looks great!
Dear Blogger,
This is my second attempt to let Nichole know I read this post, I think the turkeys are way cool and might indeed make her work a part of their routine. I had other stuff to say three hours or more ago when you ate my other reply, so pleeeeze let this one through, okay?
Why is it that snow looks so wonderful in pictures but then I remember how very cold it is and messy and so on and so forth. Glad the puppies are enjoying it though!!
I love snow. Down here it's very rare and national news when we get it.
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