Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Secret is Out!

The new Knitty is up... Other than new patterns to drool over, just what exactly does that mean do you ask? Well, it means that I can now show you the secret FO I mentioned last week!!

LeashCozy_308 Sophie_LeashCozy30508b

It's Sophie's leash cozy! (side note: Sophie is the first dog we've purchased a retractable leash for... the others all have more rugged, standard leashes) The super unique and useful Paw Cozy pattern is by the creative Michelle and not only can I say "I knew her before she was famous..." but I also got to test knit the pattern! So... if you have a retractable leash and live anyplace where it gets a tad chilly, this pattern is for you! (now, having a dog would be a given... because why the heck else would you have a retractable leash now??!!)

Sophie and Lola gave it the sniff test...


Zeus did the sniff test too, then the perfect model poses...

LeashCozy_308_Zeus Zeus_LeashCozy30508b

Hop on over and check out the pattern... give Michelle her much deserved props woofs ... and get knitting so you too can have a warm hand (and no dropped leash!) the next time you take Fido out!



Grace said...

test knitting can be so much fun!!

how your mom?

Anonymous said...

I'm an apple, by the way... And I love Sophie's cozy!

Natalie Rush said...

That is awesome. I love that pattern. I don't use retractable leashes but if I did I'd knit this one up. I might knit i for my sister. :)

Dianne said...

What a cool idea - or should I way warm?

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