Monday, May 19, 2008

Packing & Procrastinating

Yes, I should be packing... but once again, I'm procrastinating. But hey, I'm more than half way finished, so a girl can waste more time tool around Ravelry looking for a cute little cell phone cozy pattern, right? After all, I need something to protect my new toy...


We have an awesome Kodak Easy Share 10x zoom camera that Matt got... and it takes awesome shots at the race track (hence the 10x zoom!), but since I've dropped it in a cooler once already and its a little bulky with the zoom lense, I got to thinking about picking up a tiny little camera. Something that I could easily slip in to my purse, knitting bag or even my pocket... something to sneak in to concerts always have on hand for quick shots and to be able to take on all my fiber ventures without fear of dropping it (in a cooler or otherwise). So... thanks to the IRS stimulus checks (no, I did not blow mine on yarn!), I am now the proud owner of a cute little Kodak M863... in pink! Its tiny and cute, plus it goes along with the rest of our Easy Share components. I think after I get back from vacation, she will get one of these, unless anyone has a better suggestion?

Besides my fun new toy, I also have another FO! I went searching for baby/toddler slipper patterns for donations at The Granite State Knit-In next month (because, after all, I'm a procrastinator and there's no way I'll get adult sizes finished in time), as slippers are the contest and donation item this year. Behold... the Magic Slippers!

magicslippers2 slipper2

Aren't they just the cutest things ever? Now I know what I'm doing with my leftover sock yarn... and for all new babies! I'm planning to get a few more pairs made for the knit in... they whip up pretty fast and no seaming! I'm going to try heavier yarn and bigger needles in hopes of producing toddler sizes (these are truly infant size as is)...

I hope everyone has a safe & happy Memorial Day... I'm off to Charlotte!!!!


Dianne said...

Cute camera! I hope you have a great time! (Not done packing, yet?)

Joan said...

Cute camera! I love my Kodak (but it's sadly not pink). Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

The Magic Slippers stay on pretty well too!

My Mom has that camera (mostly because it's pink) - have you figured out how to turn off the flash? I'd be grateful for help figuring that out.

SissySees said...

A pink camera. Color me green with envy. Have a great time! Miss you already...

Natalie Rush said...

Nice camera. I love the little slippers. :) Good luck packing!! Have a fun safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Super cute camera. I got myself a pink Kodak camera last summer and still love it!
Adorable booties!

Alana said...

They are just adorable. I can just see them on two little piggies!!

vegasangelbrat said...

Have a great time in Charlotte!!

dogquilter said...

Love the Magic Slippers!! Have a great trip.

Kenyetta said...

I love the slippers! Too cute!

Anita said...

I keep watching for you on TV! LOL

Hope you had a great weekend! And a safe trip!!!

Criquette said...

Those slippers are too cute! Have a great time at the races. And if you get a chance to pop into the yarn shop in Matthews, go for it! They had some great stuff!

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