I won't bore you with a very long post or too many pictures, but if you know me at all, you know I was thrilled to see Tony win the Nationwide race on Saturday! Our seats for Saturday are right on the start / finish line so I had a nice view...from driver introductions to pit stops to the winner's circle...

I'm also a huge Scott Wimmer fan and so very glad to see him in the car (not Jeff Burton... no offense, but he has a full time Cup ride and does not need to share Wimmer's only ride, thank you very much).
I also love Stanton Barrett (no need to point it out if you sense my theme here). His team, and the whole NASCAR community, suffered a very unfortunate and tragic loss last week. Rest in Peace Ardy...
A shot of the boys waiting for driver introductions. l-r: Clint Bowyer, Scott, David Stremme, Stanton and David Ruttiman
Stanton, Scott and David Stremme...
I don't think we ever even took the camera out of the bag on Sunday during the Cup race... but I did catch up with Aric Amirola Saturday afternoon... if you sense my theme above, I think you can probably guess he might be added to my list of drivers to route for. ;-)
Not a very flattering pic of me, but I'll share anyway...
I promise to get some Charlotte racing pics up sometime before I go back next May soon!
Nice pics... Too bad i didnt see you sooner or i would of gone over to chat...I only took my camera out for intros sunday then ir went back in the case..
Lovely Guy Eye Candy there...
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