I feel like one of the cool kids since we caught an afternoon showing of The Dark Knight in IMAX yesterday (yes, we ordered our tickets well in advance... all showings were sold out for the entire weekend), followed by a delicious dinner at an Italian place. I enjoyed the movie and especially Heath's performance as the Joker and all his memorable quotes... "I'm a dog chasing cars. I don't have plans. I just do things. I'm not a schemer." Christian Bale's Batman voice left a little to be desired (yes, I just might still be a Val Kilmer Batman fan...). All in all, it was a great film and very cool to see in IMAX. There were quite a few city wide shots from above... simply stunning!
I did some doggy shopping last week and was delighted to find a nice summery toy for my Dogs on Thursday summer swap pal. It was a nice idea, no?
Was being the key word there... as you see, while I was bringing in bags from the car, getting the mail, etc., this happened....

Ok, so I wasn't quick enough to snap a picture of Lola tearing around the house with the new toy (tags still attached) in her mouth, but once I realized what she had... well, we had a little fun with it. She's a sneaky devil who tries her hardest to stick her head in to every bag that comes in the house, no matter what's in it, but I had thought I'd put these bags up high enough out of reach... then I thought again....
What toy Mommy??? You mean it wasn't for me?
Sophie seemed to think if it wasn't meant for Lola, it must've been meant for her...

All while my boys just carried on, laughing at the girls who got caught

Speaking of the DOT summer swap, I just had to share the cutest email I received from my spoiler...
Fetch the tissue,
The ribbon and glue.
We're filling a box
That's heading for you.
We're putting in fun stuff
And good stuff to eat.
It's for you and your doggies
To help beat the heat.
So watch for the mailman
As you sit by the pool.
The Dogday Swap
Will help you stay cool.
Isn't she a creative one? I just can't wait to find out who she is!!!
Well, back to my
aaah, she is so cute, I mean mommy, why would you bring a toy in the house not meant for one of those babies! LOL.
How is life with 4 instead of 3 dogs, we are thinking of a playmate for Lily. I'm thinking it can't be that much different right?
Cute quote. I think the Knight will totally relate...
And what were you thinking?! Aren't ALL the toys for your kids?! Hello??? (They look so cute, how could you do anything but shake your head and go buy something else for your pal's pooch?)
Love that poem from your upstream too.
Those kids are so silly! :) Never leave bags unattended, you just never know what will happen! LOL
Cute poem from your swap pal...
The poem is very cute and creative:)
Now you should know better than to only come home with one toy.......tsk tsk tsk......LOL
Way to go Lola!
I like that poem! Your spoiler treating you well.
You gotta love our babies and their antics don't ya? Lola must have been due a toy mom. :)
Those pics of the dogs are adorable. What a cool dog toy, too - I haven't seen one of those yet. Of course, my pup tends to demolish tennis balls in about 20 minutes, so I've yet to find one to stand up to her!
omg they really are laughing, aren't they?? Great pics ;)
lol that'd be my house too Nichole! Doggies are in every bag cause they know they get a treat, yeah, this mommy is bad and every grocery shopping trip they get something.
Thats a cute toy too, looks like they are having a ball with it!
Cute little email too, wish I would hear from mine, hopefully i have one.
All toys that cross the threshold of the house are fair game, according to my dogs! If they're not for the home team, then they shouldn't come in the house. :)
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