Sophie, the snow princess...

Lola, the ultimate snow zipper...

Zeus, aka King of the Mountain...

Teutul, he might not be the classiest, but well... I guess Mommy gets what she snaps, right?

These shots were taken the night after Christmas, as the snow was falling outside. I just love Sophie's "snow nose" (she'd just come in from a quick trip outside)!

These shots were taken the next morning, after everyone went for a romp and then passed out... perfect ending to a perfect snow day!

Snow noses are the best!!
Great pictures:)
Having lots of fun! I could see a snow play date if we all lived closer!
Love the picture of the doggies snoozing on the couch! My dog Kelly loves playing in the snow too. We're expecting more snow soon!
love the pics
Thor comes in with a snow nose, too. They're so funny!
I like the napping part the best. The snow pictures make my paws cold. Have fun in the new snow.
pawhugs, Max
aawww.....cute pics. They're having fun and that's all that matters.
I love snow faces, too. They looks so cute passed out on the couch. Nice that they share.
Cute, as always. I'm hoping we'll get more snow now that Sis can enjoy it... just not on the 24th or 28th!
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