Thursday, February 24, 2011

Zippy Snow Dogs

Hey look, it's Thursday again... although for some reason, it really seems like it should be Friday.  Even though it was a short work week, it's been a long one!

Ever wonder what happens when a 116 pound goofball is happy about finding some fluffy white snow outside?  Why, it's time to zip, of course!

Can you see that SMILE on his face?  Love...
Zeus_ZIP_11811d Zeus_ZIP_11811b

Tut loves to zip too.  Sometimes he comes zipping in so fast, that he doesn't make that corner so well...

Tut_11811c Tut_12711b

No matter how much snow is on the ground, Sophie always manages to come in with a white nose. 

Sophie_11811c Sophie_11811e

Princess loves the snow, but the big wet flakes hitting her in the face? Not so much.
When Lola isn't prancing or calling out to all the neighborhood dogs barking at something, she enjoys a good 'ole zip too...

Lola_12711 Lola_11811b

No, this isn't the end of the January snow photos... but it's enough for today.  Enjoy the rest of your Little Friday....


Kathy R said...

Looks like they are all having fun in the snow!

SissySees said...

Cute!! Love the snow on Sophie's nose.

Robin said...

Rudy would be right there running with them!!! They do look like they are having fun!!

Marjie said...

Thor's old enough that he doesn't want to zip any more. We have the threat of some rain this weekend, so maybe that will clear away some of the snow? As long as it doesn't freeze. Then the dogs won't zip, they'll cry!

Dawn said...

Fun times in the snow!

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