Time for morning potty and look what we found...

Lola heading out, Teutul heading in...

Zeus was up next... there wasn't much of a path yet.

Just call him "Zeus, the Snowplow"

"OKayz, Iz done now..."

Lola & Tut keeping an eye on Daddy while he clears some paths...

"Can wez helpz?"

Sophie waited until the next day to have her fun... she loves to zip around in the snow, but prefers a clear path. She'd like you to notice that wall of snow behind her...

"MOM... you jus gona stand der takin pichures or you gonna letz me in already?"

Zeus was happy to see that Daddy cleared those mountains out of his area...

Teutul and Lola were too...

So, do you like our snow pictures? We hope so... because we've got plenty more where these came from.... stay tuned!
Love the pics!:)
I would not be happy to 'take care of business' in that! Enjoy. g
We're just happy that we don't have that much on the ground. We're promised 60 degree weather tomorrow. Of course, they're having ice carving events over the weekend, and they'd like it colder....
I love the snow pictures!
Almost all our snow has melted now and we want it back! Now the yard is a muddy mess:(
Your dogs are all adogable, but the big guy's face slays me every time.
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