Monday, March 03, 2014

Monday Mischief: Rockin the PJs

Monday already?  Yup, that's what the calendar tells me.  The weekends go by faster and faster, don't they?

Not a lot of mischief going on today... at least not that I know of.  After all, who knows what kind of mischief goes on when the humans are at work, right? 

If I had to guess, the Lapdogs are all recharging snoozing on the couch right now.

This puppy's calling it a night. We woke up in time to see Jr win! #dogstagram #sleepy #houndmix #donotdisturb #instadog

They're probably saving their energy for a good 'ole game of King & Queen of the snow mountain later on today.  

Yard is a soggy mess and these 2 are out there playing king and queen of the #snow mountain #dogstagram #winter #mud #ilovemydogs

As you may know, the Lapdogs have quite an extensive family of foster siblings.  It's been awhile since we've shared some of our updates with you, but I thought these two were cute mischief makers.  

Maverick's sister snapped this picture of him ignoring her contemplating life.  Don't you just love that cute little face?


Cotton decided to try on her human brother's PJ's... what do you think?  I think she's rocking them pretty well, although she doesn't look very pleased with her Mom's mischief.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  I'm hoping to get a couple of reviews posted and we have a very special birthday to celebrate on Friday... stay tuned!


Flea said...

Oh! Poor dear! The PJ dog looks miserable and cute at the same time. :)

M. K. Clinton said...

What great pictures! I love the pj's.

tubby3pug said...

So cute
Retro rover

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