Happy Birthday Zeus
We have a very special apple oatmeal birthday cake for tonight, as well as "tulip puffs" (hot dogs and cheddar cheese in a puff pastry) - both of which came from a doggy bakery in Massachusetts. We'll take pics and post next week, but now it's time for our annual photo recap...
I may be biased, but I think my Zeus-Moose is the most handsome big dog around!
He sure can pull off that "I'm Serious" look...
But he's also the biggest ham...
And Zeus sure knows how to be a couch potato. I can't even get mad when he steals my NAP pillow and blanket (which happens at least twice a day).
Of course he loves his gig reviewing items for the blog...
And while at times they may annoy him, he truly does love his little brother and sisters.
I adore morning coffee with my big lap-cuddle-dog and he sure does makes my selfies look good!
Rides are great, even if it's off to see the V-E-T. After all, Zeus adores all the girls at the vet's office and he loves making new friends too.
My boy sure does love lounging in the driveway...
Zeus loves life and is quite the happy, big 'ole dog! Despite all of his health issues, he's always got a smile and wagging tail.

Have I mentioned he's a great winker too (yea, sure, maybe he's supposed to keep one eye open, but...)?
I snapped this pic for "throwback Thursday" earlier this year. Look at my little 16 week old puppy there!
Happy Birthday Zeus. I love you more than words can say and thank you so greatly for all the joy you bring to my life, as well as the life lessons you have taught me. Here's to 13 candles, and many more!
Hey there Zeus-man - Shiloh'n Diva Shasta stoppin;by tue wish u a HAPPEE BARKDAY! By the way, can we come pawty with u - your cake soundz scrumdilly-yummerz an'thoze tulip-puffs just sound sooooooo yummerz-lishus, hot dogz AN'CHEEZE!
Happy Happy 13th Barkday! looking PAWsome. You deserve a TASTY DELISH celebration. Golden Woofs
Happy Birthday Big Boy! You remind me a lot of Monty who should have had his 15th birthday last Wednesday. I hope you get everything you wished for.
Happy Birthday, big boy! Enjoy your cake - it sounds wonderful!
Holy Cow Patties!!!! Zeus, I would have NEVER guessed that you were 13!!! Wowsa! You look FABulous dude!! What's your secret?? Come on ~ give a gurl some love man! I gots to keep my good looks like you
Okays, mums the word I guess....
Anyhu, Happy Happy Happy Burthday Zeus!!! Your cake is makin' me drool...
Ruby ♥
Happy birthday, big guy!!
Belated birthday greetings to you, Zeus! You are such a handsome fellow! Sounds like you had a fabulous celebration! Many happy returns of the day. We love your baby picture and your selfie with your mom. :-)
Susan and Wrigs
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