Thursday, June 01, 2017

Welcome June #Calendar #DesktopCalendar

Hello, June... you sure did sneak up on us pretty fast! I wasn't sure if we were going to continue our free printable / downloadable calendars, but look what I've got for you.

rescue dogs june calendar printable

Tell us... do you download or print them out? Is there something we could do to make them better, or more useful to you?

There's a lot going on this month...

We hope you enjoy the June calendar and look forward to your feedback.

As always, you can use our calendars on your desktop or print them for your planner, bulletin board, fridge, etc. I print one and place it in the front of my Plum Planner.
*If printing, be sure to set your printer options to "shrink to fit" (I also change the sizing to 5" x 7")*


Masshole Mommy said...

That is a really cute calendar. I usually like them to keep online and take a quick peek at when I need a date.

Unknown said...

what a cute calendar my kids would love it since they are so smitten with dogs

Keeping Up the Faith 2021 said...

This is adorable. I love the calendar.

Divya @ EatTeachBlog said...

This is so cute :) I love it. I use my phone a lot of the time to deal with calendar stuff. BUT, I'm also a big pencil/paper person, so I'd love a calendar like this!

Neely said...

Hard to believe its already June. This year is flying. I love the calendar. So cute!

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to calendars, I will have to get this one for sure. I always use old school calendars, versus electronic ones as I need the visual!

Saidah said...

This is a cute desktop calendar for dog lovers.y desk top cold use a calendar.

Melanie said...

I never seem to know when the big holidays are. This is a cute calendar, and I love how you've spotlighted important dates.

Jamie said...

Such a cute calendar! I did not know the month of June had all those dates.

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